Strange UFO seen and recorded over Longview, Texas 4-Dec-2012

triangle ufo

Some kind of triangle-shaped craft was caught in tape over Longview, a city in Gregg and Harrison Counties in the US state of Texas. This was taken on Tuesday, 4th December 2012.

Witness report: I watch the sky all the time due to the high rate of UFO activity. So I saw this on my nightly watch and finally got it on tape it being low enough. The sound is removed because of my cousins request not to be in it.
Author (EastTexasUFOs @ youtube)

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  • Real (0)
  • Not Alien (0)


  1. At first this looked like a plane with the centre flashing being the transponder. But on zooming in it certainly is not a plane, which begs to ask just what this craft is.

  2. Green right, red left….Its a plane coming at you with its landing lights on as required below 10,000 feet also slowing to under 300 knots.

  3. i looks like the ufo seen in turky when looking at it in slow motion the lights come on at both sides for a few moments and then go out try to imagin the outline

  4. i am eminently qualified to tell you that the lighting of this object is in no way consistent with modern aircraft. landing lights are mostly in line with the centerline of the fuselage notat the end of the wing. sometimes at the wing roots, not the end of the wing. for one instance,that is where the navigation lighting is green for starboard , red for port.

  5. Tengo un video parecido pero mas distante y estatico, con muchos cambios en pocos minutos, sin distorciones. Yo creo que es real y se trata de una nave espacial. Hablo del Perú. Mande el video pero nunca lo publicaron ´(por esta misma pagina). El avistamiento ocurrio el 14 de abril del 2012 en Lima- Perú. Tal vez esta en sus archivos. tengo una copia pero dudo si vale la pena mandarlo.

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