Latest UFO sightings – New video of a colorful UFOs making strange maneuvers above Pic de Bugarach in France [Google Maps link]. This footage was allegedly recorded on Friday, 8th December 2012.
French officials recently ban access to sacred mountain which believers claim will be refuge from Mayan apocalypse on December 21.
What do you think about this UFO sighting? Real of just a CGI? Please leave your opinion in the comment section below the post!

Other video posted below seems from almost same vantage point although the background noise is different. It would be very cool if these are authentic, however, given the enormous amount of idiots out there with their own agenda, I don't trust any of these videos anymore. I hope they ate real and will soon vaporize all deceivers. I do believe, but not in humans.
Holy Shit
Did they get lost?
So much spiritual love coming from them to us….we are now at the time of Disclosure, not fully yet, but much closer, we are all part of ONE FAMILY, of LOVE, LIGHT, COMPASSION, KINDNESS, and much more, it is time for all of us to become ONE AGAIN….pray, and meditate, for you will truly know you are part of what u are watching….love and light to you all…
Does this world need to be told what is in front of thier eyes? Duh? I have been studying the delta formation that these usually travel in such as birds do. Do birds know more than us with thier pea sized brains? I think so and agree with the other poster that those doubters might as well be vaporized possibly with a klystron laser. DUH?