Have seen helicopters and military planes flying at night, this is nothing like, despite the flashing. That many machines, even at a distance and on a warm night, would be emitting a fair bit of noise. Aircraft as we know it do not appear and disappear as quickly or frequently as these vids show. Not sure what they are, but they re not planes or choppers. In some of the videos, one bright flyer
Re Chilean sightings, I saw the same type UFO thing over Bridgewater NJ 12/18 eve at 230am 12;19/2012. But just one. Being aware, I was watching the skies more. In the clear early eve at 530pm of the 20th looked out from my backdoor in Wayne NJ…saw one twinkling object swooping like a fairy and disappear in a cloud?? Similar to one of the videos here..again only one….and I feel I saw another
The latest video (the bottom one) was the best video ever..especially when the light spreads..we will know if it's a comet, fallen star, copter, plane or any human made..but this is not..i've seen something like that..just one dot of light flying zigzag and randomly in my city, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia on January 10, 2013..it flies without noise, although my girlfriend said that
quadrocopter swar test
Have seen helicopters and military planes flying at night, this is nothing like, despite the flashing. That many machines, even at a distance and on a warm night, would be emitting a fair bit of noise. Aircraft as we know it do not appear and disappear as quickly or frequently as these vids show. Not sure what they are, but they re not planes or choppers. In some of the videos, one bright flyer
Re Chilean sightings, I saw the same type UFO thing over Bridgewater NJ 12/18 eve at 230am 12;19/2012. But just one. Being aware, I was watching the skies more. In the clear early eve at 530pm of the 20th looked out from my backdoor in Wayne NJ…saw one twinkling object swooping like a fairy and disappear in a cloud?? Similar to one of the videos here..again only one….and I feel I saw another
The Yahyel
very honest people from latin america videos more amazing proof of alien visitations throughout our universe quality videos keep up the good work .
The latest video (the bottom one) was the best video ever..especially when the light spreads..we will know if it's a comet, fallen star, copter, plane or any human made..but this is not..i've seen something like that..just one dot of light flying zigzag and randomly in my city, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia on January 10, 2013..it flies without noise, although my girlfriend said that