The reporting witness stated in the report that his father works at the Texan company which implemented cameras up around the areas in response to incidents wherein thieves stealing crude oil during night.
In one of the nights, one of the company cameras caught an unidentified flying object flying low off the ground. According to the report, the said ufo had some flashing lights. It first, the object was thought to be a trailer bed from the thieves but what seemed to be different was that it has neither tires nor axle.
The news quickly spread throughout the employees in the company and was later emailed to the father of the reporting witness, who couldn’t believe that he saw what he expected from a UFO that many describe. It seems he did not expect that the rumors about aliens and ufos are not just fiction. He said that he has proven that such flying objects are true and that they are just somewhere on Earth.

Seen it before, when was it taken?
No video no comments.
if this was caught by cctv why is the clock stopped…where is the rest of the film or photo's
Rather than continuing to prove over and over that they are here, perhaps we should start looking into the reason. What is their agenda and what should we do to try to protect ourselves. If strangers were just loitering outside of your house year after year, I think you might be interested in finding out what they want.
if its a running camera, why not it landing and leaving?
exactly what i was thinking.
It must be fake, otherwise why didn't they run the video instead of just showing a still frame? Sorry, you blew it.
CCTV security systems record video, not still images. If this is an actual UFO event, why wasn't the video posted instead of just a still image?
The three oval shaped lights are not lined up precsely. And as usual, the picture is out of focus and has a stupidly fuzzy background. Just another poorly done waste of time fake.
the lights observed are actually only one. reason it looks like three is because this security camera is on a time lapse. meaning that one light was moving and the camera took an image of it three time before it moved out of range. hence, three images of the same thing. the video would have shown that. notice how the background bushes (still) are clear, but the "ufo" isn't. <br />
These aren't the thieves. Last time there was tire tracks , right? Maybe they want some of your product! They could beem it up. They know what a camera looks like too and have sensors indicating such equipment is watching.PROSPECTOR
A great post without doubt. The information shared is of top quality which has to get appreciated at all levels. Well done keep up the good work.
Excellent question about their motive for being here. For some interesting answers, check out In short, the "Allies'" perspective is that several alien races are here to take our wealth of resources, including our biological resources of blood, plasma, chlorophyll and genetic material. They're also very concerned that we're busily destroying our natural
It's not real footage. Hannard releases a number of hoax videos that are only intended to generate views / income for him. His are almost as bad the videos from 3rd Phase of Moon and others. It would be nice if the creators of this site would at least make an effort to not post garbage.<br /><br />
why isnt it a real video shot if they had a video of it , only a still shot like this makes it look iffy, com on put the real video on here so people will believe , u said it was a cc camera so u must have a live footage of it landing an taking off
Great post! I want to see a follow up on this topic……<br /><a href="" rel="nofollow">Avi-Infosys Cctv UAE</a>