Ray Johnson, already a pensioner, claims that he was able to take photographs of these known unidentified flying objects flying over the night skies. He reported that ufos have different sizes, large or small, and often fly in large numbers.
He shared that his first encounter with ufos happened while he was in his home garden at St. George’s Agenue in Millwey Rise in 2013. That first encounter alarmed him too much that he even called the police to report what he thought to be the most strangest happening in his life. However, he got no help from the police officers and decided to investigate visiting ufos with his daughter, Alison.
Mr. Johnson describes that ufos are flying without noise and often just disappear from sight. He also mentions that these strange objects have flashing red and orange lights that are too bright for the human eyes. He adds that ufos fly at a speed beyond the capability of any plane on the planet.
At the age of 76, Mr. Johnson suggests that people can best see ufos when skies are clear in the early morning, from 2am to 3am. He is determined to make further documentation of the existence of ufos in his town and encourages anyone who have witnessed the same event to report and share what they see.
So his first encounter with ufos was 2013 ?
Inspite of what these beings are doing, we must pay attention to what we are doing. Us humans have a way as to distract each other from thriving. By greed, vanity, selfishness, pride and pure stupidity do we fail each other. As a youngin I saw something wrong, today have I proven it and still not many care to listen. This is the ego we deal with, and its their legacy. Yet I wonder why my social
I wondered the same 2013 ?? guess its an error..He`s 76 only so cant be 1913 hehheh…
Yes, there is a mistake about the year.
more will be seen of them a this year goes on, America is special to some of them and are ready to take action..sightings will increase as this year goes on….planting thoughts and putting us in the right direction…taking & giving power…yes the "Professor" is here.
Awesome blog..great photograph
Dear Mr. Johnson, Thanks for the info about your sightings!We really must stress the importance of this true phenomenon. YES! I agree with your conclusion. We have, and will continue to be watched. (A few people thru the ages found this out. Angels come from the sky. They are benign. They are well-wishers. Most use telepathy) Please keep all life in our Prayers, now and in the future!Our living
It is like going "Back to the Future" whilst reading <br /><br />this very "credible" version of events…..NOT!
this is not proof of anything.<br /><br />why do you even bother with such crap.<br /><br />yaaaaawn
Where's the proof? Where's the pictures? Is this site hurting for video's or what?
Are these articles written in a different language originally or something? The grammar is incorrect at least once in every article. Are you guys trying to make UFO buffs appear stupid? It's like Cointelpro style backwards dis-information propaganda. Or, maybe you just have a hard time grasping the English language. If you want to come off as a more intelligent and legitimate source of
Haroldo-Brasil-Rio de Janeiro-Niterói.<br />Vi este OVNI ele tem mais uma particularidade, existem três luzes vermelhas na parte de baixo, no centro a luz e leitosa como uma bola de gude leitosa, tem os movimentos como se fossem líquidos na esfera, quando apagou ficou negro e somente poderia ser visto de binóculos e tem mais quando partiu virou até ter a forma de um charuto. As luzes poderiam ser