Guests: Open Lines, Lee Speigel
George Noory welcomed Huffington Post writer Lee Speigel for a discussion on Bigfoot, UFOs, alien implants, and other unexplained phenomena. Speigel commented on Dr. Melba Ketchum’s five-year study of purported Bigfoot DNA. Specimens of alleged Sasquatch blood, hair and other tissues were analyzed and findings that seemed to confirm the reality of Bigfoot were published in the DeNovo Journal of Science, he reported. Further digging revealed that Ketchum could find no peer-reviewed journal to look at her research so she acquired the rights to the DeNovo Journal and essentially self-published, Speigel added. Ketchum claims that other scientists are currently looking at her Bigfoot material, he noted.
Speigel spoke about the work of Dr. Roger Leir, a specialist in the removal of foreign or ‘alien’ implants from people. Chemistry analysis has shown that a membrane forms around these mysterious objects making them difficult to cut through with a scalpel, he revealed. One of Leir’s associates has detected radio frequencies being emitted from the implants, he continued, wondering if humans are being tagged and for what reason. Speigel suggested that these implants could be a form of sophisticated nanotechnology, pointing to physicist Robert Koontz who believes an advanced civilization created them. He covered other unusual topics, including Grant Cameron’s research on UFOs and U.S. Presidents, as well as took listener calls in the second and third hours.

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