Cigar-shaped UFO filmed over United States 11-Mar-2013

UFO videos 2013 – Another great footage of a cylindrical UFO hovering in the daytime sky. This was filmed somewhere in United States on Monday, 11th March 2013.

Witness report: Cigar (UFO) was recorded in what is the highest quality video 1080p, The Cigar UFO was stable position travelling at around 150mph and viewing the whole town while the sun was beaming of its shining serface, discribed as the size of a football field and moving against the wind sideways without loosing possition.

Author (ALIENS2UFOS @ youtube)

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  1. No hints as to where in the US? This must have been submitted by a guy. The best and most convincing UFO vids I've been seeing lately have been submitted by Women. They include all of the relevant data that is pertintent to the sighting, provide video footage from the most primitive of phone cams, yet give us images without camshake. Too bad guys can't compete.

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