I noticed this green glowing round shaped object in the photos I took while driving on US-9. When I took these photos my window was down and we were traveling at about 30mph. You can see the object on the left side of the photos over the tree. When looking at the clouds it appears to be in a different locations although i took the pictures within seconds of eachother. I have attached the two photo originals as well as two cropped images of the object.
Punta Gorda, Florida – Feb. 26, 2013 @ 8:45 pm
Saw a diamond formation of four lights with a fifth below the diamond.
They all shifted formation at the same time to form a square with the fifth object forming in the middle of the right vertical line.
About 15 seconds later they split in different directions and light winked out one after the other about a few seconds apart. The lights were white, not very bright but brighter than the stars that were out and steady with no strobe lights or position lights present.
The sky was clear and a full moon was out with a slight haze in the air. These objects did not move as an aircraft would. I know because I was a pilot.
I don’t have any footage unfortunately, because at first I thought it was just lightning but it wasn’t and more den five people saw it. A very bright white light appeared on my window, lighting my room entirely, and that lasted for about 8-10 sec. You could also hear this weird humming sound like…like a guitar string when or something. Anyway others saw this same light and they said it came from a yellow triangular like object and the light was coming from that object. It literally felt like daylight. I’m still freaked out, especially because there’s nothing on the news. Sorry again for the lack of evidence. I am not an UFO chaser or anything like that I’m just a normal guy. Felt the need to report this to somebody, that’s all. Anyway, tnx 4 listening.
N.E. Las Vegas, NV Sky – 2/25/13
Independent glowing orbs 3 of them independent o could als could also be attached in a diamond formation Discover Discovery Channel can I can I watch thi this website how was sitting upstairs with how was sitting upstairs with my wife and daughter. And my father just fo just for information every time he sees me watching the shows he makes fun o every time he sees me watching the shows he makes fun of me we have all been upstai watching the Northeast sk trying t figure out or identificatio what these object what these objects are we don’t know what they we don’t know what they were but the but they were hoveri hovering in the same place for over 20 minutes I look out the window every night I have never seen them before they were definitely not airplanes or helicopters
– I have taken video and still pictures is not good at due to the glare o due to the glare on the window and distance that I am looking at them have a good day if possible if anybody else has seen these can you pleaseack to me sorry for the grammar but I’m dictating to my phone and it is translating it 4 me so that I can get you this
Hi there, here’s a sighting from Gloucestershire, England which we have uploaded to Youtube.
You will see there are three different crafts in the video which i have pointed out but after watching it a few more times after I uploaded it I have notice another two flashes at around 25 seconds, one below the big one and slightly to the right and straight after another below that one slightly more right. See what you think, I think you will find it quite a strange clip as I did.
Adams mission, Durban,kzn,South Africa – 23 february 2013,tuesday 5am
I am conciouse about the ufo’s that they exist,today i woke up at 5:00 to meet with my girlfreind…far upon the horizon of umbumbulu i saw an orange ball slowly moving towards the south…it was far at first i thought it was a star,or an eroplane but the light did not flash.it made no sound.i am not crazy i know what i saw.i shout in excitement.the whole thing lasted maybe 15seconds.no one believes me.they think am getting too obsesed about the topic.i love science and i care about the unsolve answers of the univers.my gosh this is rediculouse,i cant believe am even writing this.the light ended up dis apperring….no! It didnt pass,it dis appeared.i ahve been reading about these things to be honest,but i think am matured enough to see what is a lie.i also know abou this area 51 thing…and the greys the reptilian ans so on…i saw what i saw.i live in adams mission,durban,south africa.i am hungry to know more about these.i feel so connected,nothing has ever made me feel so loving the info of life.not everyone is willing to know….so why do i?life has so much we havent realised.am sure we were never alone.i saw an orange light,and dis appeared.can you believe it??????no one i told believed me……
Glendale Az. – July 28th 2012 10:36 p.m.
This sighting was already reported to MUFON in the beginning of August 2012. Case # 41267. The date of my sighting/encounter was July 28th, 2012. 10:36 p.m.
Basically the report states as follows.
My daughter and I had just left my mother’s house and were on our way home. While we were still in my mom’s residential area close to the main road, 59th Ave. and Evans Dr. THERE IT WAS. The most spectacular object that I’ve ever seen. A flaming teardrop UFO. The size of the object was approximately 40 feet tall and 30 feet wide. Totally engulfed in flames. It was a visual that I feel very lucky to have witnessed. Even though my over all feelings of the sighting are not all positive. Total viewing time was two to three minutes. I since have had time to think about the sighting and I feel that a more accurate description is needed.
Notice in the MUFON sighting log, case # 41318 that two people in a car were driving on the highway near Chandler. Which is, give or take, 40 miles from my sighting location. They reported seeing three tear drop fire UFO’s ONE MINUTE BEFORE MY REPORT.
Important details of sighting:
1. My daughter and I thought we witnessed the same UFO, until the next day when she heard me telling a friend about the sighting. We realized that I saw a completely different object than she did.
2. This means that the ET’s have the ability to allow one person to see an object, while another person cannot. Refer to the drawing I drew “sighting”.
3. I saw the tear drop fire UFO and its altitude was about three to five-hundred feet. My daughter saw the red UFO and its altitude was about one-thousand feet. When I was standing in the street observing the tear drop just hovering for twenty seconds or so. It then moved directly towards my daughter and I. Which was almost frightening. I yelled to my daughter “ It’s coming rite at us”. The way it moved towards us was amazing. I’ll never forget that feeling.
4. The only object that I saw was the tear drop UFO, nothing else. But when I look at the “Red UFO” photo I remember seeing it. I can feel this pulsating feeling that does not feel all that good. I am not sure if the memory is from the night of the sighting, or maybe ?????
5. My daughter took three photos. To her knowledge she took photos of only the Red UFO as seen in the “Red UFO” photo. One photo was in fact the red UFO, and the other two photos were all together different.
6. During the sighting, I believe, I was subject to alien hypnosis. As I looked at the tear drop UFO, I felt dizzy and I felt this pulsating, heavy feeling that made me feel ill. I could not look at the tear drop longer than ten seconds or so at a time. Then I would have to look away. Then I would look back at the tear drop for ten seconds or so, then have to look away again. That’s because the fire from the tear drop was very bright but it wasn’t bright enough to keep one from looking at it for more than ten seconds at one time. There was a feeling that’s hard to describe. It was like a wave rolling through me that smothered me the longer I looked at the tear drop. I actually was slightly buckled over while trying to look at the tear drop, but I had to look away because I felt nauseous. Little did I know that at that moment I was being violated.
7. Starting the next day and lasting for a week and a half or more, my scalp had this tingle sensation. The lower back of my head was puffy and felt slightly numb as though the glands in my skull were stimulated. The sensations are still occurring every two to three weeks, for periods lasting from five minutes to thirty minutes.
8. Refer to the tear drop description drawing. You can see that the tear drop has a bolt or flow or electricity/energy that flowed vertical, up and down, direct center. Refer to the “alien face photo”. You can see two wavy, bright strands that resemble electricity.
9. This image “alien face photo” was not seen in real time by my daughter, nor myself. For the majority of the cell phone image screen to be full from the image means that the image was within five to ten yards from us. But it was not visible with the naked eye.
10. Refer to the “alien face 2” photo. In my opinion, this image is clearly an alien face. I have drawn arrows pointing to the eyes, nose and mouth. I have included example photos of different faces of Greys. Notice the thick, rounded brow bone over the eyes. Notice the flat nose and small lipless mouth. The alien is distorted, because the alien is in a state of “fine matter” or some type of astral plane/state at the time.
11. In my first report, case # 41267. I reported that the tear drop appeared to be divided into two sections. The division was towards the top of the tear drop. Refer to description drawing. I just recently realized that what I thought was a division in the tear drop was actually the windshield. Freak me out.
about a block over and 200 to 400 feet in air it was so close. my friend Brittmi says come see what is that ? and i look up and knew it was so amazing, i knew what we were seeing wasn’t supposed to be seen and she says is it a hot air balloon crashing? no it wasn’t and we just stood in awe cuz we both knew it was a ufo. no doubt and it was the red jet propulsion of the underbelly that was flying sideways in straight and steady path for 2 minutes and then it vanished but invisibly. all the sudden its cloaks came back cuz it dissappeared and not behind a tree or the horizon i mean it was gone. what had gone wrong with the ship? something for sure but what ? no idea for no crash, but it wasn’t supposed to be spotted and i would say also it didn’t mean to be that close or visible. i know what we saw and it simply is awestriking!ill never forget!
Castelvolturno, Italy – March 23, 2012
On March 23, 2012 onu ufo was observed on Casteelvolturno, Italy. A man took a picture of a flying saucer. The witness informed the UFO curious about the photo of the UFO Center Mediterranean (CUFOM), whose president, dr. Angelo Carannante, received the image interesting post on the official site, www.centroufologicomediterraneo.it, and alerted the specialists of the research center. The image analysts, Carmine Silvestri and Biagio Fusco, have already completed their data analysis on the photo, which confirmed the presence of an object, that seems to be a flying saucer. On official CUFOM youtube channel, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00TP2bBF75c , it’s possible to find a video trailer about this interesting UFO sighting. News updates and further information about the results of the investigations will be given soon.
Dr. Angelo Carannante

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