The large piece of rock from space exploded about a dozen kilometres over Earth but the shockwave from the blast hurt nearly 1,200 individuals and created roughly $33 million worth of damages, local government have reported.
The incident was recorded by a range of spectators with several people pinpointing a UFO that they claim struck into the meteorite, prompting it to blow up.
Referring to video recording of the incident, Alexander Komanov of the Russian UFO community in Yekaterinburg said that it is clear how an (unidentified flying) object blasts the meteorite… the (UFO) flies into it – and the meteorite blows up before it reaches Earth.
Mr Komanov also says there was an increase of UFO sightings in the community days prior to the meteorite explosion in the earth’s atmosphere.
The meteor is believed to have exploded over the Ural mountains, resulting 100,000 tonne rock to crash-land on earth and produce a large hole in Lake Chebarkul in the Chelyabink area.
Researchers have discovered over 50 little pieces of the meteor and divers are trying to collect a number of lumps of the meteorite from Lake Chebarkul for study purposes.

Sorry, as a starter: it was only 10 tons (<br />Second where is the footage. Third: is the footage scrutinised by two independent phycisists? Fourth: was footages and phycisist's comments presented on an independent international news agency?<br />So the conclusion is: bull.
You left out the suffix !.
There is actually two videos showing something hitting the meteor. One video is from a dashcam. it was uploaded that same day, far too quickly to be CGI edited. Look em up on Youtube. As for being verified, don't know.
Thank you for continuing to inform us. The accounts are credible.(When we think of meteors, we need to associate them with "POPCORN"! The pattern to meteors, is exploding – whether or not, if in the air, water or such.) Praise be.
U right..I live in Russia, and had checked ALL the available videos bout the meteor..what the hell is Komanov talking about..i can tell lots of real interest has been happening here lately, increasing in the last 3 yrs, and never get to the international news..instead they keep losing time like that, spreading round total fantasies as in the case of this meteor..looks like they they make it on
"shattered into pieces" your link reports, since when do meteors shatter, this would be a first …. <br />Footage ….. I have seen many footages & some very professional & convincing, on YouTube …. search.<br />Lastly, who gives a dam about scientist, physicist and the various Government reports …. they have been telling lies since Roswell.<br />I rest my case your honour
Actually the revised weight is 7,000 metric tonnes, but still a far cry from a 100.000 tons. I have seen most of the footage but saw no UFOs except in one doubtful one, as it could have been dirt on the windshield.<br />I think it was what it was a big meteorite. Could have started a war too if it had hit Moscow, with nobody seeing it coming.
the only comment I would like to make is the "ufo" that entered the object and blew up was the charge sent to it as we would send a bomb. would be in my opinion… how some of them would react to help us.
look, we subscribe to this website because we study and take seriously the subjects you cover, if your going to start this making it up as you go along, disimformation, you are going to lose followers. please stick to getting your facts as correct as they can be. try harder. thank you.
people are looking for reasons why and how an asteroid could break up and not come in as a full size asteroid.i guess they are coming to conclusions in wanting to believe a ufo would do this for us. in fact the answers are so clear and totally scientific!
Noone claims that the asteroid broke up. It was just a coinsidense that the meteor hit at allmost the same time as the asteroide passed. Check facts before you write.
I second that Anonymous
I see no mention here of the 7 Ancient Caldrin Domed Particle Beam Cannons Located near Yakutia Russia as the reason for bringing this Meteor down. Scientific or not those cannons are there and people have come close to dying from the radioactivity in that area of which I believe powers those cannons. Check the Yaku Tribe in that area and see if ancient stories do tell of these things still being
Well I have to say it's kinda cheesy of them to arrange the meteorites to make it look like some kind of alien, for effect I guess, lol.