Witness report: Starts with a chain of 5-6 orbs, separates and reforms throughout video. Top orb looks to be dark blue, with the middle ones a greenish color and the bottom an orangeish-white. Pause and play from around the 1:30 mark.
Author (Aran Lockwood @ youtube)

we didn't see a chain of 5-6 orbs. we didn't see a separation and reformation with any colors to speak of. i'm sorry but you the videographer can only see this.
This video should be nominated for the worst and most usless piece of shit I have ever watched.
I only see one thing and very wobbly at that. I have tried to video the moon and no matter how steady I hold the camera, or what I lean against, the image wobbles. You need a portable tripod, which I now have. (they are very reasonably priced) they also fold up small so they are easily carried.<br />Other than that this video is not much good, because of poor quality.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /
Yes, what a pity! – The same old story; 'drunk' cameramen standing on jelly, with no tripods and no points of reference anywhere, make even the best, most authentic footage 100% useless!·
Nice blue sky!
did not see what they saw ?
moon shakes very little and the object shakes like all get out, man made
You have me thinking about going back to Scott Waring's stupid blog! This is as previously stated useless. At least Scott puts up good SciFi!
like they said nice sky,get a tripod !
sky was very summery one minute dot 3k away head nipping material probably a drone or some other explainable dot ?