Interesting footage of a very fast object making strange maneuvers in the night sky above Vancouver, a coastal seaport city on the mainland of British Columbia, Canada. This was recorded in July 2012.
Witness report: Captured over Vancouver directly straight up in the night sky and shoots off like a meteor towards the end. Absolutely amazing video..finally the truth, now all bird believers explain this!!!??
Author (Charles Lamour @ youtube)
Note: Watch in full screen!

if you freez video at the 22 mark it forms a ring. otherwise i would say it is a bird. but the ring is clearly seen prior to and a little after the 22 mark<br />i dont know what bird could cause that shape.
small orb like probe maybe ufo or a piece of debris from the skies unconvincing ?
Amazing photography. I can hardly photograph the moon without it wobbling, let alone something going that fast. Was this a professional photographer?
first of all, one can't see birds at night, even white birds because the darkness of the land hides them, and anyways birds sleep at night. that was most definitely ufo-ish! it was weird when it became a circle!
I am not sure how anyone can determine anything from this video.
its a bat hunting
A bat or an insect. If it's night vision you can see birds, insects, bats, anything.