Maybe we’re just not ready for the UFOs to arrive. It’s possible the aliens know this and have so far kept their distance. Are we prepared to no longer be Alpha Dog, a step down on the food chain, an inferior civilization in the face of one which can travel across the vastness of space? It’s intriguing to think about: how do the aliens view us? Will we ever be worthy of their respect and friendship, to be treated as equals, or are we doomed to remain an interesting but crude life-form to them, suitable for probing and studying, but that’s it?

Perhaps they have no interest in contacting us at all. Perhaps they are just going about their business, doing as they wish with our planet and population and don't feel they need to "contact" us officially any more than we would feel the need to contact the "chief rabbit" when we enter the forest. Perhaps we should get over our feelings of self importance and realize our
pick up a paper, turn on the tube, watch your fellow human as you drive down the streets, not our disrespect for life. Now would you befriend us. May be help from a distant. we are a group of criminals put here by them and we are on the edge of the universe, far from them. Gene rejects, could it be?