Just when you thought you had seen some strange things in the skies…This comes along. Nope theres just no explaining this one. No its not ours because we dont make anything that ugly!<br />
A deflated weather balloon with pieces falling off. Solved. Notice at the end it's plummeting toward Earth. It's the end of the life of a weather ballon, they don't last forever. These balloons have long strings of reflective material to make it easier to track them, it's these pieces that are falling to the ground.
lloks nice<br />
NASA’s Daytime Dynamo Experiment Deploys Lithium to Study Global Ionospheric Communications Disruptions<br /><br />Read more: http://www.universetoday.com/#ixzz2X4d1ssjj
We have c-130s dropping canasters.Called chem dumps.Chemicals that will harm you.
Just when you thought you had seen some strange things in the skies…This comes along. Nope theres just no explaining this one. No its not ours because we dont make anything that ugly!<br />
very freaky and strange for sure. very strange shape. freaky orbs coming from it. then clouds hiding it.
A deflated weather balloon with pieces falling off. Solved. Notice at the end it's plummeting toward Earth. It's the end of the life of a weather ballon, they don't last forever. These balloons have long strings of reflective material to make it easier to track them, it's these pieces that are falling to the ground.
your reply makes alot of sense, have you ever seen one fall to the earth looking like that?
Well done Nebula, think you're right