Report UFO sighting #110

Your UFO reports: 15th June – 22nd June 2013
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !

Price Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA – 6/23/2013 12:00am
Sometime around 12:00am, my dad and I saw a VERY bright Red/orange light that seemed to move upwards slowly. It then stopped moving upwards and moved to the right. It stopped again and gradually blinked out! We came in to check on our food and dad went to lock the door when he said “Its back!” I ran outside and sure enough it was there. It was even BRIGHTER than it was before, and this time it was much further to the left. It then moved back towards the right, stopped, and blinked completely out again with that same gradual effect(almost like a strobe effect). We sat outside for an hour afterwards, but it never returned. The whole sighting lasted an estimated 5 minutes in total. I’m curious if anyone else saw it.

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St Marys WV Mt Carmel – 10:15 pm 62313
ball of light flying through sky four nights in a row around the same time every night . its really bright and seems to come out of nowhere gets really dim then just vanishes no sound or blinking lights just big bright ball of light.

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Chicago – Northwest Side – 9pm CST 6/21/13
I saw a UFO floating upward then changing direction, with a pulsating light. I took a crappy video of it on my cellphone and posted it to and I hope someone can make heads or tails out of it. I don’t know where else to report it!

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Tarlac, Philippines – 20-Jun-2013 7:00 pm
I saw a very large and very bright orb flying fast across the sky, maybe at least 500 or 600 feet high and is not blinking or pulsating , just a steady white light flying in a very wavy pattern coming from south to north. It is not the ISS because that one came 2 hours later , and it is completely different. Last time I saw these orbs is December 2012 , there were 2 of them and they’re interacting with each other but now there’s only one.

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Pennsylvania Turnpike near Reading – June 20,2013 Thursday at 12:30am
While on the way home, my boyfriend and I noticed a flashing aircraft in the sky. It was dark grey with white flashing lights at first, then it had red and blue lights that were flashing too. It was triangular shaped and travelling at a very high speed. I could see it for about a minute, then seemed to disappear along the tree line. I could no longer find it. I watched the sky the whole ride to see if I noticed anything strange like that, considering I’ve never seen anything like it.

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Antwerp, Belgium – June 18th 2013 at 01:45h AM
This “moon” appeared around 01:35h and disappeared again at 01:52h.
I started filming the first video at 01:39h and the second video at 01:45h.
That night you couldn’t see any stars, or the moon. The sky was full of chemclouds (forming a white looking sky if you see it in daylight). I checked some planes on flightradar to check visibility and even the lower flying planes weren’t visible.
This “object” suddenly appeared. Very low, very bright, moving way too fast to be the moon, and disapeared again after about 15 – 20min. I watch the skies at night enough to know that the moon can’t be that low, at that position and certainly not at 1:40 AM.
This is not a natural phenomena!, I watched it up close with a binoculair and it looked almost exactly like the moon, only this object was very bright and much more orange than the moon. It was also moving way too fast …

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Safety Harbor Pier, Florida – 6 16 2013
I was taking photographs from the pier. My attention was drawn to a certain cloud formation. Suddenly, there was an object, that the sun Reflected off of. Very Brightly… The object went into the cloud bank. I continue to watch, waiting for object to come out. It did reappear. I watched for over ten minutes… Now, i’m not saying this couldn’t have been a plane. I just think it’s Strange it never came out of this cloud.

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Hampton Bays, NY – 6/16, 1:30 AM
I was out in the back yard admiring the stars when I saw a particular star in the distance with an orange hue which was somewhat larger than the rest; I believed I was viewing Mars. This orb-like light began to increase in size and appeared to be moving toward my location from a distance; however, there was no discernible, consistent direction. The movement was more of an oscillation. Imagine a ball coming towards you from a distance. Although it remains the same size, it is perceived to change size as it gets closer and vice versa. Soon, the size was too big to be considered a star and it began to display a radiating quality, as if viewing a light through Plexiglas. I thought my eyes were blurring, but there were no other stars displaying the same quality. I looked for blinking lights thinking maybe it was an aircraft, but again there were none. Just as it had increased in size, it decreased in size and disappeared beyond the tree-tops. This lasted about 45 seconds. I had no time to find my cell and record it.

I’m wondering if anyone else in the North-East that night may have seen something similar?

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Puyallup, WA – 6/15/13 10:00pm
I was pulling into my driveway and saw a bunch of lights, which looked like a firework at first. I jumped out and started recording on iPhone 5. Only 4-6 lights remained with one really bright one moving back and forth just a little. Got the best video I could..

Youtube video link:

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Glendale mountains. Glendale ca – June 15, 2013 12:45/1:00
On Saturday June 15, at around 12:45 in the afternoon, my girlfriend and I were hiking in the Glendale mountains. The sky was clear and cloud free, so often we would take a break to admire the view of downtown Los Angeles. My girlfriend likes to take longer breaks so she stayed a little behind on this one, and I went ahead. As I continued upward, my girlfriend called out my name. When I turned around, I saw two metallic spheres in the sky. The spheres were completely still, noiseless, and showed no evidence of exhaust or propulsion system. At one point they got really bright, almost hard to look at because of the time of day. And then they began to move. The spheres were hovering over Glendale, then they began to move southwest toward calabasas or woodland hills. We managed to get a video and some shots.
If you live in Glendale, Burbank, or north Hollywood and saw this on Saturday, please leave comments below. I’m willing to share this experience .


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The Colony Texas – 6/9/2013
On June 9, 2013, at about 8:45 p.m. my daughter and I was relaxing on her 3rd floor patio watching the airplanes and notcied a strange object in the sky. We could not figure out what it was as it faded away fast but stood still for about 11 minutes. We could not get cell phone pictures or video as it was to dark outside.

*Note* I would not have believed it, if I did’nt see it for myself!

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Munich, Germany – 6th June, 2013
I was taking a break at work, standing outside the building. I looked up at the sky at a plane going past (very high up) when I noticed a small dot close to the plane. The dot which looked a white colour to the blue sky was not moving relative to the plane. Then having noticed the dot I spied a second one not too far away. I watched for five minutes and realised that they were moving but very slowly. I grabbed the only camera I had which was on my phone but the pictures are terrible. I watched the two objects move across the sky for over 15 minutes until they disappeared behind some clouds. All during that time the two objects kept the same distance apart and moved at the same speed. I waited for the cloud to pass but at this stage I was looking towards the sun and couldn’t see anything else.


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Miami, FL – June 1, 2013 10 a.m.
This sighting was on June 1, 2013 over Miami, FL. Our organization, The Celestial Federation of Yahweh (CFY), was conducting our annual motorcade, The Caravan of Love 2, throughout The City of Miami, FL. We were escorted by four officers on Motorcycles from The Sweet Water Police Department. We stopped traffic for over 3 hours in the city.
This photograph was taken by one of our members on her cell phone camera. Anyone that has studied the topic of UFO’s will be able to verify that these pictures are authentic. We were on Interstate 95 when this photo was taken. Enjoy. Visit the facebook page ybyby holyghost and for more pictures of our Caravan of Love 2.

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Spokane, Washington – 5/30/2013
a friend and I were in his backyard approximately 11:30 pm when I noticed a shimmering light in the sky… star shaped. it had 5 red lights on the ends and the inner color was gold. Scanned the horizon and noticed there were well over 50+ in view…all looked the same. On that same night my friend and I also witnessed a cylindrical shaped object flying very slowly treetop level approximately 2 to 3 blocks south over our neighborhood flying from the west going east. Hard to tell exactly how large the object was. i’m figuring roughly 40′ x 125′ long. we could see the silhouette of it against the stars.(very clear night out by the way. It was very loud…cant exactly explain the noise… sounded very loud, similar to a jet but had a low sounding hum to it. The coloration was very confusing to look at…it seemed to shimmer a blue to green to red color that appeared to come from the hull itself…shimmering… very strange… when it ascended away from us it appeared to have red lights that looked like tracers that lit up along the length of it… anyways, I stayed up all night and watched these star shaped craft in the skies… some moved, some stayed stationary.. some appeared out of nowhere then proceeded to move…. Ive no doubt in my mind that what we witnessed were not “ours”. I’ve come to the conclusion they were not drones also. We have a lot of drones over our city at night as well…

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Ufo in new 4 billion pixel curiosity pic – 2013

I found this white flying object while browsing through curiosity’s new 4 billion pixel photo. I knew it wasnt a rock because the shadow isn’t attached, there’s a glint, and it looks nothing like anything that’s around it.

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Nakhon Sawan, Thailand – Nov 2010 and Nov 2012
Greetings: Two Times now I have seen the UFO’s. First time Year 2010 November 19th, time from 5:30 PM to Midnight, one hovered above me for 1 hour, size about 1.5 miles in diameter, emitting red/Orange glow upon the ground, using high frequency which bothered many dogs in the neighborhood including mine inside the house. During this time, they made many formation signs in the sky, and I have detailed such on paper. Then they headed due north, and came back to same location area 6 days later and left by formation of 6 abreast on side, stretching for approximately 150 miles north to southeast. They then took off and headed out to space once they reached Bangkok.

After this they placed star beacons which is seen every night over here in perfect latitude and longitude distances. Still around at time of this writing.

On November 15th 2012 sighting, it began at 6 PM in broad daylight, and thousands went past the city (Nakhon Sawan) near my house and it continued thru the entire night heading north same flight path as in 2010.

One came within 150 feet just west of my house, stopped and hovered for 30 seconds and moved on. Yes it did see me wide open on the patio, right between two houses full line of sight. Not sure if they did anything to me, but shortly thereafter now I have on both arms elbow pains which was never there all these years. On day 6 as I guessed, at 6 PM they all appeared in the sky in full formation – 8 abreast side to side Stretching from Phitsanulok north of me as far as I can see distance wise all the way down to Bangkok on the northeast corner and they all went up back into space.

I estimate they landed between Laos and China Border to do their R & R, of which on the China side there is no population but the area is very flat to small hills.

Furthermore I do expect them surely to come back year of 2014 same month of November and same approximate date. This coming November a small force will arrive and the armada numbering perhaps 20,000 or more will arrive in 2014 for their R & R for 6 days.

The size of these ships is large enough to hold up to 4 people, perhaps being 100 feet side to side. Top to bottom approximately 65 feet. Their powersource is of very high frequency that only dogs can hear but not humans. They also have shields surrounding them, and emit various colors but most of the time its bright solid white light like aircraft lights on the planes.

These are not planes, or helicopters. I myself is an aviation mechanic so I know what planes and helicopters definitely look like. Their speed is incredible defying gravity and can go out of the atmosphere and re-enter without a problem. They can go so very slow to a dead stop and hover at that spot without a sound from them.

They will only respond to a laser light depicting a sign to them. I now know what sign they respond to and will approach you for closer examination or look at you. It appears that they have invisible beams that a human cannot see, of which I think I got shot from such now causing elbow cartilage pain inside.

I myself missed the O’Hare incident because I just left off of my shift going home, but my friends did call me once I got home to report of what they have seen. I myself never saw a UFO until November 19, 2010!!!! After this encounter I am convinced they do exist and have no doubt of what they can do.

Furthermore be so advised, they cannot be seen by our radar unless they want you to see their presence at their own volition. Also they do have an armada of them numbering in the thousands,(meaning 50,000 or more) which is a conservative estimate from what I have visually seen so far up to date, and if they wanted to attack they can at anytime. At the moment they have not exhibited any outright aggression, and if they do, the entire world is a dead duck as they have such advance technology way beyond our understanding.

Therefore for your sakes DO NOT POINT ANY KIND OF LASER DEVICES towards them, as they react to such and become defensive. You must know the sign to give them and they will respond and come close to you. Their communication frequency is totally different and not within our frequency bands known to man.

If there is ever going to be a genuine official physical contact meeting, it will be done with ordinary people whom they consider not a threat to them. They will avoid the government, police and military individuals. They also will not speak to for example: the United Nations or any specific government entity or any representative to such government. It will be ordinary people when they make their official move.

I am reporting this incident to be true and to the best of my knowledge, and if anything happens to me in the future days, at least you know of my personal encounter.

I will try to have my camera ready on the expected date of when I think they will appear again, and hopefully get a few very good shots for all of you. If its at night time, I do not have a camera that can shoot and record in the darkness.

Keep up the good work, Peace to you all.

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Niagara Falls, New York – Aug 11, 2011
They flew over my house at a hi speed and went towards the moon

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