Witness report: As i was Skywatching facing North,i saw a flash..It was not like a typical FAA strobe lights..I then notice what looked like three orbs traveling in a triangle formation..So i grabbed my camera for a closer observation….When zooming in i was surprised to see it was actually a Triangle Shape Craft..This appeared to be a solid Craft,with a neon blue flash coming from the front light.When using video captures/Close-ups you can see a Solid Craft..It was traveling Northwest high in altitude.I pan back to find some kind of reference points..(Ended using the tree tops as reference point)..You can clearly see altitude it was traveling…Lost sight of the Craft as it went behind the tree tops….Glad i was Skywatching this Night..
Author (SAUFOTX @ youtube)

typical FAA strobe light.
Well…It has the movement of a conventional aircraft and it has a regulation aviation beacon…Yes the lights have a tri shape but this is one of ours I believe.
are "typical strobes" blue?
its a tr 3bs new design aircraft from area 51 folks been making them since 1990s