Latest UFO sightings – This interesting video of a cylindrical craft hovering in the sky above Kingman in Arizona was recorded on Friday, 12th July 2013.
Witness report: Was filming chemtrails, planes and the sun yesterday and I filmed a craft that first appeared to be an airplane but once zoomed in realized very quickly it was not a plane at all, so what do you think it is?
Author (DarkSkyWatcher74 @ youtube)

If it had been a plane turning or something? …it wouldnt have taken that long . Looks genuine to me. .
Why would it have to be turning? Maybe it was going straight with it's side facing the camera. I can't believe that from this shaky video someone could say this is a UFO, I see nothing to indicate that, I do see how it can be the side view of a plane with the sun reflecting off it however.
Now that I paused it, I have no doubt it's a plane. See for yourself.
Get your eyes checked friend. I see wings and tail.
Where the hell do you see wings at!!! Nice Video!
Can you please point out at which point in the video you see wings and a tail?<br />SE
so you tell us where are those wings again? Not saying it is a ufo with 100% certainty, but I'd like you to show us where those wings and tail are. Thx.
That looks like a UFO not a plane!
I too would like to know where you saw wings and a tail?
I've seen the very same thing and viewed it through a telescope and there were NO wings!Since I wasn't at this sighting I cannot vouch for it's authenticity but I can say it has the very same appearance as the one I saw last July in the Mid-west.
COME ON! its a plane waste of my time
go to bed, get some sleep
very interesting
Take a look a the rocket launch 12th July –
Interesting video. I watched it three times still could not see wings, a tale or a trail of any kind. I'm not sure what to think of it. Puzzling. Keep up the good work.<br />SE
What about sounds? UFOs are silent, earth planes are not.
It is a cigar-like type of spacecraft. Humans do not know how to make this type of flying objects.
regular ufo or debris burning up in our atmosphere ? but will go with a genuine ufo sighting more please .
Saw the same object in Michigan on Thursday, and no wings! Went for a walk 2 hours later and saw another. The 2nd one I pointed out to other walkers and everyone agreed no wings no sound!
it looks segmented. that's weird. and there are no jets that fly at such a strange angle. even when a jet is descending it doesn't have that angle.
Its a plane? Get your eyes checked? Waist of your time? I have viewed this video with my software at full zoom and No…This craft has no conventional wings what so ever and did you not see with those good eyes of yours that this object is glowing hotter than a comet leaving zero emissions at super high speed. I have been in aviation for the last 39 years my friend and you need to open your eyes
Good video. Thanks.
I see blinking lights around it starting at 0:34 that remind me of planes
I noticed that also but these fashes would happen to the bottom rear of this object and would just blip every now and then from what I watched. No conventional sequence…
I think you got something!!!
The us is testing a new tri-winged plain i saw it on the ground.
OK…You dont get it…NO plane or rocket lights up like this!!! It is glowing bigtime..Show me One reference of a plane or rocket that lights up like this at this altitude. and yes it looks like it is barbed.
It is a UFO. No doubt about it. Time to correlate this sighting with others similar. Things are heating up here on earth.
Don't know if anyone has noticed this, but the white flashes of light are actually not on the craft. that is unless the wings/tail are translucent/invisable??<br /><br />look here where i managed to pause the video while the flash accured:
MAybe Real but you lost me when you said chemtrail plane. I call BS
This is when we find out its a top secret missile or something that we weren't supposed to see. lol
The last segment to the left seems slightly more yellow. Perhaps a rocket flame? Possibly some sort of cruise missle or wingless/lifting body experimental craft. Those intermitant flashes coming off lower left of the craft remind me of some sort of missle defense flares or chaft ejections.
P.S.That tri-winged aircraft your seeing isnt a ufo.It belongs to the USAF.It is in test mode.Supersonic.If it isnt seen right it would look cagar shaped.Dave M Florida.Retired. USN,NYSANG.Ret:42yrs G.E.Co
Definitely a plan reflecting sun light on the fuselage of the craft.wings are horizontal and not visible because they are not reflecting light from the sun that must have been low in the sky at the time video was taken. Besides the video is out of focus making the wings that less visible. At 0;34 you can see the under wing light flashing as at that point the focus became somewhat clearer.If the
I know this is true because my husband and I saw one like this flying over a school late at night in 1998 in Bakersfield, CA, looked just like this one and then vanished, it was surreal. After it vanished two black helicopters flew right where it was and slowly flew away.
LMAO!! To a trained eye, that is a military drone surveying the terrain and being tested for accuracy before being delivered!! LOL lol lol !!!