Judy Messoline, owner and operator of the UFO Watch Tower in Colorado, joins Rick to discuss the upcoming 2013 UFO Conference on July 27th and 28th. Judy also talks about how the watch tower came to be, and some of her personal thoughts on ufology.

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to lufos, to all my fellow believers and witnesses: i was put into awe for a few minutes when i saw this front image . because, that third symbol from the letter C, is the ufo i last saw, last august, only turned upside down! it was just hanging there in the sky, very far up. i was watching it with binoculars! i even said out loud, what is that upside down telephone pole up there! i cannot
Dear Crazy Lady Down The Road "Judy", Thanks for the delightful story.It is amazing that you have had over two dozen U.F.O. sightings!And not any personal visitations? Others that had sightings, do have a much higher chance.(Many seem not to remember their encounters.Be careful what you wish for, You might get it.) Just ask. WOW! do I have some [U.F.O. and visits]stories. You are doing
keep up the good work, revelation is here !