do you have 10 year old children studying and deciding what films to put in this collection?? most of them are really bad examples. 2:37 is called a sundog, not a ufo. 4:14 made no sense at all, a video of some clouds and then played backwards and forwards again. 6:18 was actually very interesting and weird. 10:51, those are called noctilucent clouds, they are not ufos. and why why why did you
Some videos hard to tell what I was supposed to be seeing, others not too bad, then came the clip from "The UFO hunters" almost peed my pants with laughter. <br />SE
I have seen this many times over the years in many parts of Canada! These are the identical clips of what I have witnessed! Thank you for catching it on film! Joy<br />
do you have 10 year old children studying and deciding what films to put in this collection?? most of them are really bad examples. 2:37 is called a sundog, not a ufo. 4:14 made no sense at all, a video of some clouds and then played backwards and forwards again. 6:18 was actually very interesting and weird. 10:51, those are called noctilucent clouds, they are not ufos. and why why why did you
Bloody right .
<br />
Some videos hard to tell what I was supposed to be seeing, others not too bad, then came the clip from "The UFO hunters" almost peed my pants with laughter. <br />SE
I have seen this many times over the years in many parts of Canada! These are the identical clips of what I have witnessed! Thank you for catching it on film! Joy<br />