Bright orb hovering above Fresno, California 2-Aug-2013 August 7, 2013 LUFOS N. America, UFO videos 7 Latest UFO sightings – New footage of a bright unidentified flying object or orbs hovering in the night sky above Fresno in California. This was taken on 2nd August 2013. Your opinion?Fake (0)Real (0)Not Alien (0) 2013CaliforniaUSA
helicopter with a blue light on top never a ufo or could be a klingon prob ship spying on fresno ? Reply
It could be a nano-satellite or mini-satellite (Please replace my name in prior comment – thanks) Reply
That's interesting! Could be a drone I guess?<br />Very intriguing.<br />Martin Harris
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i keep seeing these personally what is it
helicopter with a blue light on top never a ufo or could be a klingon prob ship spying on fresno ?
KLINGON PROBE SHIP. please tell me you are just being funny, sir.
It could be a nano-satellite or mini-satellite
It could be a nano-satellite or mini-satellite
(Please replace my name in prior comment – thanks)