The witness can’t exactly figure out what he had just spotted. He was totally shocked.
Senter is now 59 years old and he has been investigating UFO reports for over 25 years. When asked about his approach in conducting UFO sighting investigation, he answered that he goes with what he can prove and goes from there.
Senter claimed he spent tens of thousands hours observing the evening sky, and he had only seen two craft. The first one when he was still a child and the second one in Durham in the mid-eighties. After his second UFO sighting, he decided to research about UFOs and eventually co-founded the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) North Carolina chapter, a non-profit group dedicate in investigating UFO sightings nationwide.
Senter said that around ninety five percent of UFO sightings can be reasonably explained as meteor, airplane, satellite or Venus. One good example for this is the helicopter-like craft that spotted by Senter and his co-worker hovering over Interstate 85 when conducting a regular security check at a Durham hotel in 1980s. The suspected alien UFO appeared to go up high in the sky and disappeared. They found out later that the UFO was a Russian satellite re-entering the atmosphere.
However, Senter stated that approximately five percent of reported UFO sightings are unexplainable after thorough investigations and this small percentage of mysterious objects or lights in the sky is enough for him to believe that UFOs are real and human race is not the only intelligent being in the universe.

I suspect this 5% assessment is a purely arbitrary number. In my experience, I remain critical in my own observations of anything that might be a UFO, until I see something in the way of evidence that validates it as a legitimate sighting. I'm fairly certain that over 90% of the UFOs I've seen were just that. The white orbs are quite common, and they seem to go out of their way to
do you live in south west texas? orbs are predominant there.
The UFO and ETH is built on the cases that are not explainable in conventional terms. I believe that UFOs are real after all we live in a 13 billion year old universe on a planet about 4 billion years. human kind has been around for about 0.5 million years and we have had science for about 150 to 200 years. So why cannot other planet systems house life and why not millions or billions of years
"Only" 25 years hahhahah..I have investigated since 1967, when I had my first exp..when 12 years old. Have had 4-5 other exp`s – ET exps.. The 5% – hmmmmm – I guess is it at least 20% unidentified the latest years..To me its kinda ridiculous to even talk/speak on this level. They are here and has been through all Earth`s history… Wake up ppl..And no one of them are conspiring with