The thing looked like it had legs at one point, then just at the end you will see it seems to double up the image, which seems to be common with the inter-dimensional things I’v filmed in the past, the orbs and probes have doubled up a lot of times when filming..
This entity seems to have two orbs within it, you will see the strange behavour of it, sorry for the shaky footage, but when you see something like this in the sky, you grab the cam and start shooting.. as i did.. and lucky enough after i got the camera steadied up a bit, i zoom in on a swift flying ‘small fast bird’, which i thought was the ‘thing’, then i pan over to the right to where the entity is, it was good to get the bird in the same footage, as it gives a perspective of what im capable of filming.
This the the second time iv filmed one of these entities, and iv no doubt i’ll film one again, they are being filmed more every day, all around the planet. The activity in the skies lately is astonishing at ties, and the multi coloured living haze can be a bit of a trip at times, some seriously strange ”cloud” formations lately also…

It apppears to be a ballon or similar object. Nothing about it makes me see anything of it being under intelligent control.
Your right a ballon- waste of time
looks like a demon floating in your skies very strange video seen something similar on ufo sightings before shaped like a person weird good video .
one of the better vids i've seen in a while. i've never seen a balloon in that shape, or any other man-made object. looks like a "probe"! the doubling up at the end is VERY strange! at the very end when you are panning out, there is a see-through line next to something. were you outside filming or behind a window? could the doubling-up effect be a visual trick? anyways great
Ma dai ! ma vi siete bevuti il cervello ? è un pallone sonda in mylar, dai !
I agree it's a balloon. If you keep seeing and photographing these things as you say, why not invest in a much better camera?
You must have a bag sealer and a lot of garbage bags and helium. lol.