Mysterious lights were spotted by a man who was driving from Los Angeles to Phoenix. He could not explain what the lights were all about. The witness first saw 3 bright lights with colours orange and yellow. These lights apparently in a triangular formation and hovered in the air. While the lights were at good distance from the witness, they were still very bright.
After around 5 minutes, another set of 3 lights came to the view nearby the first set. Before the disappearance of the first set, both sets hovered each other closely.
The same thing happened several times for the next 30 minutes wherein the first lights would appear and disappear quickly but always in different positions than the last. No flashing or moving would happen during the appearance and disappearance.
As the witness continued to drive, the lights did not change but became hidden by the mountain range. After 15 minutes of driving, the witness again saw them on the other side of the mountain range. This made the witness and the lights closer than ever.
The witness then clearly saw the brightness of the lights. They were super bright and they could be visible from miles away, according to the witness. The witness estimated that the lights were 20 miles south of where he pulled off to take a look at them.
The sighting happened between Indo, CA and the Arizona border on Highway 10. The mysterious lights were south of highway 10, according to the witness, who managed to take both photos and videos as the sighting happened.

The area where the driver saw the lights is an area where the US military trains pilots.