Interesting UFO video filmed above Bangor, a city in and the county seat of Penobscot County, Maine and the major commercial and cultural center for eastern and northern Maine. This was taken on Tuesday, 1st October 2013.
What do you think about this footage? Real or just a CGI? Please leave your comments below!
the running and looking at the ground at the start is neither important or part of the sighting. its put in for effect to convince the viewer this is real.<br />because of this, the rest of it seems unconvincing .
no, it doesn't look like cgi to me. it looks real.
the running and looking at the ground at the start is neither important or part of the sighting. its put in for effect to convince the viewer this is real.<br />because of this, the rest of it seems unconvincing .
not to clever, right area, wrong aircraft.
I think that if they were producing a fake, they would have made it more spectacular.
it might be anything as a mylar balloon
saw a few black specks.dirty cam lense.Bangor been there many times,App.for a new Steven King film.
i think it is real but not sure what, going awful slow maybe a blimp