A motorcyclists garage security camera catches a UFO moving intelligently and illuminating the whole area at night over Bangor, a large town in County Down in Northern Ireland on the 20th February 2013.
Travelling low then ascending to move onwards! turning to avoid obsticals and then making its way off while glowing super bright, the objject surely is a UFO if you ever have seen one.

mmm…its just that i wouldnt wait almost a year to post such interesting sighting, but well who knows…
maybe fear of ridicule, more and more people are coming forward with their experiences as more and more people are accepting them.<br />
dont get it sorry..thats a video of 2011..its even shown on the bottom left side of it..you guys joking or what..ridiculous..
It is very interesting but as pointed out it was taken in 2011. I have seen less visual stuff posted on the News so what is wrong here? The poster needs to answer some pertinent questions
if it realya don't think your Government gonna tell ya they got no power over them do ya?? da,, Lex*** telling it like it is,,,
uh, Lufos? the date on the film is Feb 20, 2011. what other types of information are you getting wrong here?
Well, I think if you look at the clock the seconds go a just a little bit too fast. So my take is that the clip is on fast(er) speed to make it look like the object is travelling fast. The object could just be anything like a helicopter… but I wasn't there to witness the event.
if not faked,it does not seem to be a drone….but it still could be…………needs much investigation.
think its more proof of e.t covertly flying over n.ireland bangor from a surveilance camera impressed .
I don't know im on the fence on this one…
This object reminds me a lot of the "Bright UFO over Nowra" video on YT.<br /><br />
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