This interesting crop circle formation was found in Salinas, California on 30th December 2013.
A mysterious crop circle found in Salinas, California has gotten the attention of extraterrestrial UFO followers and conspiracy theorists not only across the nation but also across the globe.
Julie Belanger reported such strange crop formation to ABC News. Belanger, who is an aerial photographer, said she was very shocked to found the patterns on Monday during her flyover.
The mysterious formation has become more interesting after a video on YouTube went viral showing two people coming across the patterns after green lights emanate from a field.
No one has come forward to take responsibility of the crop formation. Many people, especially UFO enthusiasts, suspected that this could be the work of aliens that want to send message to humanity. They want to investigate the place for radiation and gather evidences before ruling out alien work as possible cause of the crop circle.
Echelon Security Co. is tasked to secure the field but a representative from the security agency can’t provide the identity of the landowner. All he could say is that he was hired to protect the land from rowdiness. When asked for further comment, the spokesperson for Echelon declined to give one.
More UFO enthusiasts are now planning to visit the area to conduct thorough investigation. Could this be work by hoaxers? Or another mysterious work of unknown advanced technology?
192 192
B 192 1
192 192
“It’s fascinating. I don’t know what it means, but it’s readable,” Falanga said. “Those dots are in very specific order. It’s so perfect it’s almost like a machine did it. They are not off in any way, shape, or form.”
“Now we just need to follow the 192 clue!” Christensen said.

Do these 'people' ever compensate the poor farmer for loss of crop?
I think the crop of wheat was already combined, so he just mowed down the left over stems.
real crop circles but man made lol
X…cellent !
That's convenient for it to be right by that worn out area at the side of the road where it looks like a lot of foot traffic goes into the field.
yes, it is, isn't it! and way too square, like an etch-a-sketch!
Either we how have or will be receiving two more object into our obit. Commuication link will be worldwide.
that's by far the weirdest crop circle i've ever seen. looks like an old television set with knobs!!
Very often, like in this case, aliens prefer to center their crop circles on some pathway to the field: it is the easier to get in/out to the road when the flying saucer is gone for repair.
Can it be that this is about the Super Ball stage.<br />MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford
to all skeptics and debunkers, put brain in gear before putting mouth in motion. do your homework. show me that you can make these overnight. these are not just circles, but many intricate geometric patterns. oh, you also have to be able to do it without leaving any signs of human presence.
so u supposed to be the only one with a working brain..the rest of the world is dumb..well, very good for you..but I'm afraid that much of the rest of the world instead is telling u to just go educate yourself before posting..
this is exactly my thinking but i always get run down for it. now that the "braille" has been discovered for it to say 192 five times, what the hell is that!!??
Navstar 59, also known as USA 192, as GPS 2RM F-3, and as GPS 2R-16, is an American navigational satellite in the GPS fleet that was launched by a Delta 2 rocket from Cape Canaveral at 19:12 UT on 17 November 2006. The two tonne (with fuel) satellite will be nudged into Plane B, Slot 4 position to replace the aging GPS 2A-22 of 1993 vintage. The fleet now consists of 29 satellites, including the
Meaning its lasers are dead on.
Makes ya wonder if any of those college age kids they interviewed hanging around had anything to do with it. Seems like people who loiter around events like this may have something to do with the buzz or news they helped create. Like another poster commented on earlier about the location of the crop circle, conveniently located near a well traveled roadway, someone needed path in and a path out
This is a warning 19 Feb your Gpu & Cpu will be toasted.
WE ARE TRYING TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU YET YOU DONT UNDERSTAND.<br /><br />MOA-2007-BLG-192Lb L is a low-mass red dwarf star or brown dwarf, approximately 3,000 light-years away in the constellation of Sagittarius. It is estimated to have a mass approximately 6% of the Sun's.[3] In 2008, an Earth-sized extrasolar planet was announced to be orbiting this object.<br /><br />http://
what i find amazing about this crop circle is that it was made by blind people
I just wonder…. How many blind people are going to be reading a braille crop circle??? These aliens were not too smart eh?
B192 – A drug for irritable Bowel Syndrome – someone playing a joke and saying that this formation is "full of shit". <br />Pill imprint B192 has been identified as Methscopolamine bromide 5 mg.<br /><br />Methscopolamine is used in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome; dumping syndrome; peptic ulcer and belongs to the drug class anticholinergics/antispasmodics. Risk cannot be
it stands for Blink192 and their comeback tour
hoax or not, there is to much evidence UFO's are real.
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If your going to hate, don't bother writing on the forum
What ever this is real or not. It is well done. Think about it, how many folks, would just got out of their way. To do something like this in the middle of the night. How did they see the ground to do this, without lighting of some sort? … Wouldn't someone traveling on the road have sen them?
I can confirm Man Made. Google 192 192 192 1 192 192. That's the numerical message contained in the Crop Circle in braile. Make sure you're doing an image search. You'll find UNCANNY resemblance to the Nvidia Tegra K1 "192" core processor. NAMASTE
I can confirm MAN MADE: Do a Google image search of the numerical code contained in the Crop Circle which is 192 192 192 1 192 192. You'll find an UNCANNY resemblance of the CC to the Nvidia Tegra K1 "192" core processor. NAMASTE.
I am studying the writing system used by aimas people 50.000 years ago and when I looked for resembles in order to find some evolution I have foundt that their sound alfabeth have almost 50% of coincidences with MORSE , BRAILLE , othersa signs are the same but antisymetrics. I can facilitate the comparison table. Aimas tell in ceramics rounded books that they come from 7TH sun of Orion and Pleiades. The alfabeth or code as they call it , is the same than Erich Von Daniken told in “God’s gold” 1974 was indesciphrable , from Los Tayos metalics plate My mail