Hoax Hoax Hoax….<br />Floating Balloon slowly going down and even tilting forward at the end before disappearing.<br />Moreover jmhz71 has a source is not very trustful !!!
you know what i've noticed about all mexico sightings? there are always power lines. the object is always going down behind some trees. the person filming never holds a steady camera.
It seems balloons have become the primary way to hoax a video, since the object is real and exists, so when the video is examined, no tampering is evident, so the examiner has to conclude that it's a real object in the sky rather than being photo shopped. Usually the way it moves gives it away though, for instance, I've seen videos such as a boomerang shaped object tumbling across the
Hoax Hoax Hoax….<br />Floating Balloon slowly going down and even tilting forward at the end before disappearing.<br />Moreover jmhz71 has a source is not very trustful !!!
your name are the Hoax….jajajaja mother fuker
you know what i've noticed about all mexico sightings? there are always power lines. the object is always going down behind some trees. the person filming never holds a steady camera.
It seems balloons have become the primary way to hoax a video, since the object is real and exists, so when the video is examined, no tampering is evident, so the examiner has to conclude that it's a real object in the sky rather than being photo shopped. Usually the way it moves gives it away though, for instance, I've seen videos such as a boomerang shaped object tumbling across the
Always Mexico. Maybe they are looking for drugs?