Universities and scientists have been investigated the mysterious Hessdalen lights for decades, which have caused some excitement for UFO investigators. The area was visited by former UFO phenomenon consultant for the U.S Air Force J. Allen Hynek in 1995. Hynek said that Hessdalen has had the best period of operation with the best equipment for UFO phenomenon observation in the world. Hynek added that it is terrible important whatever it turns out to be.
Local scientists agree that there has been an ongoing project intended to track and measure the lights since 1984 in the area. They say the lights started to show in 1981, taking place many times throughout the day. They could be seen hovering for hours in a certain area, or zooming across the horizon at more than 8,500 meters per second.
The project started its mission in January 1984. It included cooperation with researchers from various institutes of physics and astrophysics, including University of Bergen, University of Oslo, University of Trondheim and Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (NDRE).
Throughout the project the lights were recorded on film and some were even registered on radar. Three different types of phenomena were observed and described in the project’s report.
1. Strong but small white or blue flashes showing up across the sky.
2. Yellow or yellow-white lights flying just above the houses in the valley or even seen down on the ground. They sometimes hover for an hour, or move slowly around the valley, and sometimes accelerate at great speeds. They have also been seen higher up in the sky, mostly moving from north to south.
3. Various lights with constant distance from each other were seen together, mostly composed of two white or yellow lights with a red in front. They move slowly mostly on a north/south course, around the top of the mountains.
The report says that the lights have no explanation but it also stressed that their main objective was to provide sufficient data for researchers. The sightings have been observed not as common as they were in the early 1980s, but they are still often observe and many have been caught on cam.
The latest sighting was recorded on May 5, 2014, according to the website of Project Hessdalen. There have been theories about the apparent portal in the area that allows beings from other dimensions or extraterrestrials to enter our world. However, the latest theory has something to do with the Hessdalen valley’s geology.
The latest theory says that the plasma could be the result of the unique geology of the valley. One side of the valley is rich of rocks, the other side is rich in copper and the rests are formed by iron and zinc. Sulfuric acid could then turn the river into the weak acid of an electrolyte.
However, the theory still has extraterrestrial involvement, saying that the extraterrestrial may still be responsible for the initial charge of the plasma. However, more work needs to be done to substantiate the latest theory.

Well it's definitely NOT a CHINESE LANTERN so I can't think what it is.
So, 30 years of investigations, many observations, a lot of hig tech equipment, a lot of resouces, and still just blurry pics and videos frpm this site?
Not Aliens either!
You fellas gots to know they got some Tall Whites in Norway…. tall and blond and mighty might fine…..
you are no literary giant are you???
all that information, sightings since the 80's, cams recording them all, and this is the only film provided?!? a grainy black and white only 13 seconds long? that's terribly disappointing and doesn't say much for all the proof.
There is a lot more info and footage if you click on famous cases at the top of this site. But here's a link https://www.latest-ufo-sightings.net//2010/03/famous-ufo-cases-hessdalen-lights.html
They are out there, soon you will know the truth.