Latest crop circles: Hod Hill near Hanford, Dorset, UK 1-Jun-2014

This interesting crop circle was reported from Hood Hill near Hanford in Dorset, United Kingdom. It was found on Sunday, 1st June 2014.

Here’s the video:

Your opinion?
  • Real (1)
  • Fake (0)
  • Not Alien (0)


  1. What is the point of these things? If it really is to communicate. they&#39;ve failed.<br />Or is some Alien kid using our fields for graphiti art, like some kids on rail cars?

  2. wow this is a very good crop circle. i so wish aliens could tell us more directly what they mean, and how to read them!!

  3. i truly believe these crop circles are messages from aliens for other type of aliens when our ancestors seen them they probably had rituals &amp; sacrifices &amp; ceremonies by shamans of these tribal people like the druids of stonehenge era &amp; many other warring clans they arent fake but excellently crafted by whatever means well beyond our scientific comprehension . great pic . keep them

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