Most remarkable UFO sightings in June 2014 by www.Latest-UFO-Sightings.net.
June 2014; bright lights – Charente-Maritime, France
June 2014; UFOs – Rome, Italy
1st June 2014; ball of light – Northampton, UK
12th June 2014; unknown bright objects – Istanbul, Turkey
12th June 2014; circle-shaped ufo – Galveston, Texas
18th June 2014; UFO – North Kentucky
28th June 2014; unidentified flying objects – Washington DC

As impressive as these videos can be o’l freds never seen a ufo as impressive as the mrs. riding in the jump seat of my 58 willys jeep bouncin while we is riding topless in the jeep….
Everyday i watch the newest UFO videos, i´m asking myself:
How much percent of them are man-made, Black-Ops and that stuff.
The object / image was seen for a pretty long time. Why a better camera with excellent zoom was not used? This seems to be feature with all UFO videos.
Clearly the Kentucky clip is a hoax or most likely one. The others seem to be veritable UFOs. I don’t know what to think of the UK sighting. Most atypical. Looping around with a low persistence, quickly vanishing contrail, seemingly artificial. Maybe it is! Many of the UFO sightings that appear to be bonna fide feature a basic triangular shape or tetrahedral 3D shape. Those seen at night appear to put on a light show.
O’l fred would like to wish all a happy and joyful independence day weekend, God bless.