Here’s a new video of a three bright spheres making maneuvers over Petaluma, a citiy located north of San Francisco in California. The witness recorded this event on Monday, 13th October 2014.
Witness report: I thought they were airplanes at first but they were too close and crossing paths. I pulled the car over and recorded them on my iphone 5 with the highest zoom.
Author (source: MUFON)
Note: Watch in full screen!

Similar to sighting in uk early october
I saw something like this on Sunday in San Francisco at about 2 PM, as the Blue Angels flew about celebrating fleet week. I did not have my camera with me.
On Oct. 17, 2014 at 6:45 am I saw two perfectly round orbs moving silently through the sky. They looked just like the ones in this video, but there were only two of them. Are they drones of some type?
I took still photos of them.
Forgot to mention, the two orbs I saw were in the sky in Petaluma.
Mendocino Coast Northern California. Time, approximately 8-8:30 pm. I saw 5 orange orbs coming one at a time from the south, heading in a northerly direction. This is my 3rd time seeing the orbs over the last 2 1/2 years. Myself, and about 4 other people saw them. Seeing is believing! All I can say, is something is out there.
heaven help the people who always thinks birds, like these ones here, are ufos. seagulls are white and when they are up high they reflect even more white.