Your UFO reports: 28th March – 11th April 2015
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to [email protected] !
Berlin-GERMANY – 05/04/2015. 23h58 Night sky
Hi, Here is the fantastic UFO photo taken by my best friend from Berlin-Germany. 2 Photos taken in time laps of 1 second from between each others.

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Orlando, Florida. Down the street from a weapons factory…. – March 24th 2015
I was sitting In my car and I look straight ahead and its right there dimming in and out like fire of a candle. Then two disappeared. I was too in shock to think to record the video I took a burst shot on my iPhone smh but I have this and I see other people posting the same triangle

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Thousand Palms CA – 4/3/2015
A solid white light moving at a steady, slow speed. There was no flashing or change in speed or direction. A previous sighting of the same object going in the same trajectory was experienced a few weeks ago.
A solid white light moving at a steady, slow speed. There was no flashing or change in speed or direction. A previous sighting of the same object going in the same trajectory was experienced a few weeks ago.
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Derbyshire, UK – 29th march 2015, 21.32 hours
went out to the back of my property to have a smoke, it was nightime and the skies to the west were pretty clear, and below the tree line which has no leaves on it i noticed what appeared to be a very bright star like object shining. At first i thought it was a star , and then noticed it bobbing up and down slightly. I ran in to get my i phone and took a cuople of minutes of video and then decided to start taking pictures of which i managed to get 2 of , i went to take a third photo and it was instantaniously gone.

Youtube video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGae9UhxZvo
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Island View Restaurant, Taling Ngam, Koh Samui, Thailand – 28 March 2015
Just after sunset I noticed far into the distant horizon towards the mainland what looked like a (my first thought) was a fast moving plane but one that produced an overly large v-shape jet-stream heading our way. then I realised it wasn’t coming towards us but was instead heading upwards and at a huge speed. In fact it reminded me of a shuttle launch or even film of a ballistic missile in a matter of seconds it had disappeared up into the upper atmosphere. My girlfriend and I were marvelling about seeing this and had turned away from the horizon for a few moments. When we looked back we were surprised to see an object on fire, a fireball, a meteor falling back in an arch to Earth. It was freaky as we both thought intially that we were witnessing a plane crashing but what was wrong here was the size of the trail left in the sky also the size of the trial. We waited to here a concussion of some sort but heard/felt nothing. Then the strange part the “fireball” trail left in the sky
stayed in the sky for about 20 minutes after the the object had disappeared/crashed into the horizon. It was as if the sky/atmosphere had been superheated everyone at the restaurant witnessed this and the place was buzzing. We took some pictures of the “trail”. We searched for any news reports or other sightings but have come across nothing… something happened which on reflection was a missile knocking something out of the sky, it could have been a military exercise but it appear way more real and unexplainable than that…

stayed in the sky for about 20 minutes after the the object had disappeared/crashed into the horizon. It was as if the sky/atmosphere had been superheated everyone at the restaurant witnessed this and the place was buzzing. We took some pictures of the “trail”. We searched for any news reports or other sightings but have come across nothing… something happened which on reflection was a missile knocking something out of the sky, it could have been a military exercise but it appear way more real and unexplainable than that…
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Garfield, New Jersey – March 22, 2015
I know for a fact I saw an UFO the other night. It was next to the moon for about two hours and did not move a bit. We zoomed in on it and this is what we saw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjiK1zC6Di4
I know for a fact I saw an UFO the other night. It was next to the moon for about two hours and did not move a bit. We zoomed in on it and this is what we saw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjiK1zC6Di4
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Khorlim Mapusa Goa, India – 22nd February 2015
The UFO Sighting occured at 10.00 p.m at Khorlim Canca Mapusa Goa India on 22nd February 2015 after my Wedding Day with my Best Friend Mr Akshay Kauthankar aka “Hunter”near my place…………………….
To Tell you the Truth it has been a year that I have been looking for these Ufo’s in the Sky
and than they showed up near my place on my “Wedding Day” was a great shock to me because I was very busy on that Day when the UFO’s showed up, but thanks to my best friend aka “Hunter” who captured the UFO’s on his new mobile phone………………….
A Very He@rtly Th@nk$ to “Mr Hunter” and to the “UFO’s” who appeared on my Wedding Day on 22nd February, 2015……………….

To Tell you the Truth it has been a year that I have been looking for these Ufo’s in the Sky
and than they showed up near my place on my “Wedding Day” was a great shock to me because I was very busy on that Day when the UFO’s showed up, but thanks to my best friend aka “Hunter” who captured the UFO’s on his new mobile phone………………….
A Very He@rtly Th@nk$ to “Mr Hunter” and to the “UFO’s” who appeared on my Wedding Day on 22nd February, 2015……………….
Youtube video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8QWIrKfh-c
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Navi Mumbai, India – 24/08/2014
Me & my wife had seen like UFO on dated 24/08/2014 on Navi Mumbai’s Sky (Near New Panvel), It was seen at least 17-20 mnt, visibility was quite low and movement of this flying object is very slow but in steady direction. It was came from western direction to eastern and then turn approx 110 degree towards north.
I had taken some snaps approx 15-17 and but fail to upload any site.
Color of this UFO most probably blue,(it was found after zoom in to the picture) and the shape is like triangle. I can send all pics if any email has been provided.
Me & my wife had seen like UFO on dated 24/08/2014 on Navi Mumbai’s Sky (Near New Panvel), It was seen at least 17-20 mnt, visibility was quite low and movement of this flying object is very slow but in steady direction. It was came from western direction to eastern and then turn approx 110 degree towards north.
I had taken some snaps approx 15-17 and but fail to upload any site.
Color of this UFO most probably blue,(it was found after zoom in to the picture) and the shape is like triangle. I can send all pics if any email has been provided.
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US 278 in Lee Co Mississippi, over Town Creek right before you turn off onto Hwy 145 to go to Nettleton, Mississippi – Saturday in August of 2012 around I think August 4th.
If you notice the bright object in the cloud at the lower right hand corner. My parents and I were traveling back from Tupelo Mississippi on US 278 toward Nettleton, Mississippi before lunch. Right before you turn left to go on Hwy 145 to Nettleton, there are fields and a creek called Town Creek. I was watching the one rain cloud and noticed a rainbow on the left side of the road. In the rainbow I could seen an object flying and then it zoomed over the road to the right hand side over the field to a cloud. I took out my non smart phone and took a few pictures of it floating in the cloud. I did not know that I got it on camera until I uploaded the picture.

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Kiev capital city of Ukraine – around 2012
Here at the Kiev (capital) city of Ukraine we’ve seen many UFOs at the night skies. They were fast flying ships at the high altitude, flying straight and non-straight, changing their directions of flight.
An airplane or a helicopter cannot fly zigzagues or anything like that.
Here at the Kiev (capital) city of Ukraine we’ve seen many UFOs at the night skies. They were fast flying ships at the high altitude, flying straight and non-straight, changing their directions of flight.
An airplane or a helicopter cannot fly zigzagues or anything like that.

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