I have seen four of such orbs. Their colour was orange and they flew across the night sky from horizon to horizon, within the matter of minute or so. There were many other witnesses too. Still cannot forget the sighting.
balloons tied to a frame? and how does it float in the sky? with a string attached to the owner on the ground? how does it move around with purpose? your answer is weird and strange.
Ever heard of helium? They fly free, why would it be tied to the ground? It is not moving around with purpose. It is simply spinning around as it moves in the wind.
I SAW THIS WHEN I WAS A LITTLE BOY!!! My Dad and I where on our way to pick up some parts for a 4runner and then I saw them in the dessert. I was little so I don’t remember exactly where I saw them but it was near Riverside. All I remember was that there was a triangle moving on the side of the highway. I knew that was no airplane as they would have flashed green and red lights. The lights did not flicker or flash and the just kept on moving.
I have seen four of such orbs. Their colour was orange and they flew across the night sky from horizon to horizon, within the matter of minute or so. There were many other witnesses too. Still cannot forget the sighting.
The way that’s moving makes me think it’s balloons tied to a frame with LED lights on each corner.
balloons tied to a frame? and how does it float in the sky? with a string attached to the owner on the ground? how does it move around with purpose? your answer is weird and strange.
Ever heard of helium? They fly free, why would it be tied to the ground? It is not moving around with purpose. It is simply spinning around as it moves in the wind.
Well, talking about weird and strange, you think it’s some gizmo that has travelled 200 000 years through space to hang around outside a window??????
Maybe reflection of some thing turning around
So close!!
I SAW THIS WHEN I WAS A LITTLE BOY!!! My Dad and I where on our way to pick up some parts for a 4runner and then I saw them in the dessert. I was little so I don’t remember exactly where I saw them but it was near Riverside. All I remember was that there was a triangle moving on the side of the highway. I knew that was no airplane as they would have flashed green and red lights. The lights did not flicker or flash and the just kept on moving.