Check out this really shocking footage of an unidentified flying object flying over Big Spring, Texas. This was taken on 3rd October 2015.
What do you think about this sighting? Please leave your comments below!
Witness report: unknown object flying faster than the helicopters in slow motion
I was recording with my iPhone some blackhawk helicopters flying over my house at t/p/o and was gust reviewing the video I realized it was in slow motion and saw an object move from the bottom right to the left a lot faster than the helicopters even though they were both in slow motion.Not sure if it could be a bird but you guys are the experts let me know what you think
If I can’t figure out how to attach it to this form I will email seperatly
I am a retired New York City Police Officer living in West TexasAuthor (source: MUFON)

Definitely one of ours. This is soft disclosure being slowly leaked out, bit by bit. See secret space program SSP
Was that a laser pointer being used??? Shame on you!!
it seems like the object is a lot lower in altitude than the blackhawks and maybe why its faster
it’s really hard to tell. if it’s a bird it looks round. if it’s not a bird it’s alot lower than the chops. what was that??
Whatever it was, it’s certainly not a good enough video to say it’s extraterrestrial. It could have been a bird closer and lower in altitude than the choppers, therefore appearing to move faster. Some birds tuck in their wings to go fast in a dive, or even over a short distance to decrease drag.
COULD be a rather fat bird lol the footage you have is not long enough ..but nice helicopters anyway.
It looked metallic to me, ruling out a bird as an explanation! Simply my humble opinion!
Keep looking up!