Ice-crystals, satellites and two distinct doughnut-shaped UFO’s were seen whilst Russian spacecraft Soyuz TMA-19M attempt at docking with International Space Station yesterday (on 15th December 2015).
What’s your opinion about this sighting? Please leave your comment below!

Well it’s obvious ,we are no alone…….
it must be pretty wild up in space… all these years, all these missions… they must have seen, a lot!
well yes i’m sure they and thus we can see satellites. those things are further out than the ISS, although in all the nasa videos i’ve never seen them before, until now. and all those donut shaped things? wow.
Swamp gas
and millions of people watched and saw..!!! And funny enough the blue screen went up again, now NASA and self-delusionists can come up with as many excuses as they like, but it don’t change nothing, UFO’s were seen, plain and simple.
what blue screen? there’s no blue screen on the video.
Reality is stanger than fiction !
I meant stranger than fiction…typing to fast and I left out the ” r “
and nasa still makes no comments, but they know what the truth is.
For those who want to know about donut ufos, goole image search telescope star test and apply some logic. Most of the other stuff is just particles bouncing of ISS. I really want to think there is something out there but until a saucer lands on the White House lawn or similar, I have yet to see “the smoking gun”!
That should be google not goole – doh[nut]!
or you see a ufo or two yourself.
Everyone keeps talking about disclosure, like some president will announce to the public….”there is undeniable proof of alien life and we are in contact with it.” This will probably not happen for awhile yet….but these images are the process towards disclosure. It has to be a slow process where step by step, the world population will become convinced, or at least suspect and open to the possibility of alien life and that we have been in contact for thousands (millions?) of years. Ant other way will be too shocking and cause too much disruption, over reaction, panic.
UFO is just what they use to cover up the fact they are nit in space …this is why you see all these bugs flying around and most likely it’s under water and your seeing bubbles and water bugs etc… They can’t make it into space for very real reasons they are not willing to tell us…wake up people look at all the stuff floating by !! We are being lied to and if you keep buying the lies then we deserve to be made fools of.