There are compelling reasons why humans should explore the heavens beyond the boundaries of our solar system. Greg Meholic will discuss the key technologies required to make such missions possible. Beginning with todays state of of the art chemical propulsion systems for space flight, we will explore some of the more advanced engine systems intended for long-range solar system exploration, such as nuclear engines, antimatter engines, and interstellar ramjets, which define the capability limits of chemical propulsion. These limitations may be overcome by embracing a new paradigm of “propellant-less” propulsion schemes that have their bases in modern theoretical physics and cosmology. Space-time manipulation, “faster than light” travel, wormholes, quantum drives, and others, may provide the only viable propulsion options to enable reasonable trip times to distant stars. These ideas are not merely the dreams of Science Fiction. The latest global, experimental efforts to explore the fundamentals behind some of these intriguing concepts support the idea that mankind will someday move beyond the bounds of our solar neighborhood.

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