Climbers at the Mount Washington summit in the White Mountains of New Hampshire in the U.S. reportedly took two pictures that appear to show an unidentified flying object (UFO).
The images were sent to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) for scrutiny. The unnamed reporting witness said that he noticed the mysterious aerial object in the background of two pictures when he zoomed in on them.
The climbers captured their victorious moment in photos and accidentally snapped a UFO that seemed to watch them from the distance.
It seems that UFOs like to observe people who think outside the box, just like most mountain climbers, seeking and chasing adventure. Moreover, meeting an alien would be quite challenging and adventurous too.
The latest sighting in the mountain peak could remind UFO enthusiasts on world famous mountain climber Reinhold Messner, who claimed to have witnessed a moon-sized object during his climb in the Himalayas in 1981 above Katmandu, Nepal.
Italian Messner said he watched the UFO with the same size of a full moon for nearly three hours while doing his climb in the Himalayas. He spotted the UFO drifting into Nepal from Tibet over the snowcapped mountains.

“like to observe people who think outside the box”?
And you know this how?
only their mother’s know.
But the Shadow knows!