Las Vegas is a UFO hotspot and known for a lot of strange activities. Some conspiracy theorists suggest that the Nellis Air Force Base, located just on the outskirts of Las Vegas, is where the Tall Whites are basing, particularly near the old firing range area. Nellis is said to be taking up to 1,350 square miles, and its size is believed to be enough for aliens to build underground bases.
Tall White aliens allegedly go for the outside walk sometimes, so the USAF apparently provides them space for them not to accidentally encounter a person. Tall Whites are known to be killing hungry and even aggressive to U.S. soldiers. Some UFO researchers believe that the woman saw Tall White UFOs near the Nellis AFB.
A woman claimed that she had seen similar mysterious light two times over her home near Martin Luther King Boulevard and Carey Avenue, North Las Vegas. Gwendolyn Mathews believed it was a UFO. She stated her sighting started on Sunday at around 7:30 pm when she noticed a light not moving while recording a video on Facebook Live for over an hour.
The woman further claimed that she observed it having legs coming out of it when she zoomed in with her binoculars. She said that similar light appeared again on Tuesday night. Mathews is convinced that she witnessed a UFO activity.
Mathews reportedly contacted the North Las Vegas Airport and McCarran Airport to ask about the UFO. However, they referred her to the FAA, who told her that they had no any strange aircraft activity in the area.

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