Five different UFO sighting videos made the rounds online after they showed the same UFO over the same city captured in various positions. What makes the videos interesting is the fact that they were taken by three different people in Kuwait. The videos show one round white orb and another UFO in lower altitude, which some enthusiasts believe it was 90% cloaked. It is not happening every day that multiple people record the same UFOs.
One eyewitness says that he wants to share something he has seen with his very own eyes, which he has never seen before. He says that it looks like a UFO, which, according to him, gives out circular smoke before the UFO itself vanished. The witness admits he used the Viva Video app but insists that this is not edited at all. He says that he only used the app to get a slow motion of the video for the viewers to see the smoke. He assures the viewers that the video is not done with any camera tricks.
Some UFO observers found the evidence that comes with this sighting overwhelming. They suspect thousands of people witnessed the same thing and expect more UFO videos showing this particular sighting to come over the next few weeks. They speculate that aliens like to visit Kuwait because this is an ancient nation with ancient traditions still in place.

it seems like just a cloud in all the videos. clouds can form and disappear out of nowhere, it’s not rare.