Here’s one interesting daytime footage of a bright object that was following a plane over Lincoln, New Hampshire. This was filmed on 21st April 2016 and it was just uploaded to MUFON.
Witness report: I was reading on my deck around 7 o’clock. I am told that military pilots train in the mountains around where I live and I’ve always enjoyed seeing them fly through. This happens all the time, jets and helicopters are a common sighting. So I naturally saw the jet and did a double take, because there was something following it. I immediately thought I was witnessing some strange aircraft, possibly military but it was not a jet. I knew it wasn’t a jet because it was actually right behind one. The jet it was chasing left a long contrail behind it, but the UFO did not. The UFO was gaining on a jet. No helicopter could do that. I was blown away and luckily got out my phone in time to take a video. I watched the object gaining on the jet for about 10 seconds when i lost them in the trees. I was very excited and anxious. I felt I has witnessed something very hard to dismiss as a “weather balloon” or some obvious type of aircraft. Shortly after the jet and object left my range of sight I saw 3 more jets and 1 helicopters going the same direction (in my opinion chasing the UFO). I also got another video of those other aircraft. I would like to show the video to an aviation expert and maybe get an explanation. I’m uploading to MUFON hoping for answers.
Author (sorce: MUFON)

Looks like a sensible video for a change. It looked like it maybe passed the jet, wonder if the pilots saw anything? guess we’ll never know that!
The ‘gaining’ of the object over the jet can be just a hallucination.
My moving thumb can also gain over a jet! It can also obscure it.
That does not mean I am faster or bigger than a jet.