This triangle UFO was recently filmed over Oregon.
Witness report: New capture over Oregon. Similar in shape to footage from 2011. Fortunately a star is noticed to help provide perspective and travel direction. Some frame by frame analysis of clearer images to notice the subtle changes about the lights such as colors changing on each corner to red and/or yellow. Other smaller and dimmer openings are hinted at but unfortunately the pixelated image doesnt prove definitive. Sorry the image stabilization is not as good on the camera as original. Captured at the last second while looking over my shoulder moving quietly…
Author (whotookmymojo @ Youtube)

this is small drone
Uno aliens/demons
Cloaking all around us (look at your mountains carefully )
WhoTookMyMojo was a known hoaxer. He published a series of videos that were eventually proven false. One of his most “successful” eventually was proven false by someone showing how he had digitally altered the video of an ambulance to look like a UFO on the ground (with flashing lights). He fooled a lot of people for several years with his videos.
Come on you can clearly see the flashing airplane beacon that all aircraft must have.