New Steven Greer Huge Alien Disclosure of Close Encounters of the 5th Kind


Steven Greer shows how advanced trans-dimensional ET technologies interface with the coherent meditative and thought states during Close Encounters of the 5th Kind (CE-5) events. Understand how ET craft and beings can appear around us in ways that are astonishing and very close and very usually overlooked. For many years people have been seeing UFO’s in the skies and in space and it is an undeniable fact that our earth has been visited by extraterrestrial life forms in the past and present. Close Encounters of The Fifth Kind was first coined by Dr. Steven Greer and is the fifth type of contact on the Hynek’s scale.

Your opinion?
  • Real (17)
  • Fake (2)
  • Not Alien (0)


  1. WOW another con artist, money is the game he is a good talker with an imagination to match I like the photos they take of something you can’t see be the camera can, that’s not how cameras work, this is science fiction story telling and not very good when will the truth come out I have had encounters up close and UFOs are real but not like Greer is saying he is making it up and he is good at it!

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