This was filmed over La Puente in California back in August 2017 but it was just posted on MUFON recently.
Witness report: Sphere shaped black object that hovered, then proceeded while turning clockwise. I had been working temporarily as a yard driver for a distribution company when I noticed a few of my coworkers staring at an object in the sky, pointing and taking pictures. It was early in the morning, about 7 am. When I first saw it I thought it could be a weather balloon but it seemed so large. I felt excited since I’ve never seen anything in the sky I couldnt identify. One coworker had a pair of binoculars which I looked through. I could tell the object was spherical and it hovered for a while. Afterwards it moved from the north to northeast while rotating in a clockwise direction slowly like the earth rotating. I noticed on the other side of the object there was silver or chrome parts. At one point an airplane passed and it looked larger, however the airplane could have just been flying higher. I have the videos I took on snapchat uploaded here. If anyone has any information please let me know, make me a believer!
Comparison to a plane? That would only make sense, if they were in the same distance!
Looks and behaves like a balloon to me.
Looks and behaves like a balloon to me.
oIbody missing their p e r i o d ?
Somebody missing their period?