The International Space Station live stream seems to show multiple UFOs moving towards Earth. The video sparks secret alien contact claims among viewers.
The ISS live stream clip is for a NASA-led spacewalk, but it apparently reveals at least two UFOs are moving towards Earth. The fast-moving UFOs that appear to be reflecting the sunlight shock the viewers. The one that is closer to Earth seems to be spinning across the sky.
Also in the clip are two astronauts working on the spacecraft during the live stream. Many viewers believe the reflection of the sun causes the flashing lights of the object.
Initially, the flashes appear dim but later get brighter, leading to a claim that it is a high-tech UFO.
NASA always refuses to talk about these observations and instead takes a stance to ignore questions related to them.
The footage has been seen about half a million times. One viewer commented that it was terrific NASA did not cut the feed. The space agency is known to many conspiracy theorists of cutting feeds of an anomalous incident, leading in an abrupt end of the live stream.

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