GREAT CATCH! Daytime UFO video – Palm Springs, California 24-Apr-2019

This really interesting footage of a bright disc-shaped UFO was filmed over Palms Springs, CA on 24th April 2019.

Witness report: saw bright disc shaped object and pulled out my phone and filmed for a minute or so. I was driving in the Palm Springs area around 12:30pm and caught something out of the corner of my eye. I decided to turn around to see I could get a better look at a disc shaped object. I pulled over on side of the road and took a quick video with my phone.

Source: MUFON

Your opinion?
  • Not Alien (16)
  • Real (12)
  • Fake (4)


  1. I live in Beaumont Ca, about 25 miles from this. I can identify it as a White Blimp which passed over the area, moving from East to West. Unsure who it was Advertising, but it is similar to MetLife Blimps.

  2. It must be a really old alien piloting that UFO and not looking to break any speed limits. That thing can’t be going any faster than 25MPH.

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