New UFO video of a strange activity over Area 51 in Nevada.
Witness report: I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of May 24, 2019, while aiming my camera directly towards the center of the base at Area 51 which is 77 miles away. The final object in this video took off so fast it only occupied one frame of the video. This is only the second time in more than five years that I’ve filmed an object that was leaving the ground at such a speed that it created a rainbow of colors. In both videos, it only occupied a single frame of the video. This isn’t a camera glitch because there definitely would have been more of them along the way had there been some kind of mechanical issue with either of the cameras. This is just one more piece of evidence that Area 51 is still very active. I am confident that it is Area 51 because the distance between here and there isn’t that far and there is nothing in between that would account for this type of object.
Author (UFOs Over Vegas @ Youtube)

I see some unknown lights. Could be anything. What’s the implication?
For all I know maybe you’re an alien.