An alien invasion is something humanity entirely unprepared, according to ufologist and former Ministry of Defence UFO investigator Nick Pope. He said that if aliens are drawing up plans toward Earth, then we are the other way around as we don’t have any plans for them. Mr. Pope, the man who has been considered as the real-life Fox Mulder, added that governments around the world have no alien invasion war plan.
Conspiracy theorists have claimed that there are plans kept secret within the governments, but Mr. Pope insisted there’s none as he would have been responsible for writing it.
Currently, the world’s greatest scientists are facing a somewhat tangible threat of the coronavirus, which is becoming more than a public health risk as it has the potential to trigger a societal breakdown.
Mr. Pope pointed out that the arrival of aggressive invasive aliens might bring the same associated threat.
He stated that extraterrestrial threat or real-life War of the Worlds would not only mean facing the danger of these aliens.

According to Mr. Pope, things can fall apart very quickly in our increasingly complex and interconnected world. Key points and critical infrastructures could come under pressure as aliens could knock out a grid, people could not get money from the cashpoints, petrol may run out, foods may run out, law and order could break down.
Mr. Pope explained that this is a worst-case scenario, but it is better to plan for the worst rather than assuming that everything will be fine. He said that it’s ironic people are searching for aliens, but we don’t have a plan for what we do if we find them.

It’s not so much the Aliens I’m worried about it’s the Zombies.
Totally agree! Aliens is the least of our worries. Human zombies sounds terrifying.
This article should be put in facebook to have more people be aware of the situation.
Sorry no aliens in this solar system.
If the aliens wouldn’t of stepped in we would be ashes now. And if we don’t stop Hitachi-GE the bankers will win their nuclear war against you and me.
Well done Nick someone has to speak out but they will not listen
Why do so many people troll these comment sections? Boredom? I honestly don’t know why these people read this stuff if they’re only going to make jokes about it in the comment section. Nick Pope is a very intelligent man and in this article he didn’t say aliens are coming. He is only saying we don’t have a plan if they do exist and they show up with bad intentions.