Preston, Lancashire, UK – A UFO was caught on camera flying above Preston in the early hours of February 20. Gail Jacques spotted a mysterious bright white object moving above the city’s rooftops. She first saw the UFO over Preston Prison at round 1:30 am.
According to Gail, the object hovered for several minutes before moving at incredible speed. She immediately snapped photos of the strange flying object.
Her interest in knowing the true identity of the Preston Prison UFO led her to share the pictures with friends on social media.
Gail said that the UFO was too fast and precise for a helicopter. She explained that it moved so fast in seconds.
The pictures have generated mixed reactions online, with many Prestonians offered possible explanations.
Some say it’s a plane or helicopter, others say it’s a drone, and a few say it’s something not of this world.
There are also who say it’s a Venus or Jupiter. Some believe it is the International Space Station.
Stephen Hall explains that it’s not a star as it’s below the cloud cover. He finds it interesting.
Steve Connolley does not believe it’s the International Space Station (ISS) as it seems too far away from sunset or sunrise, as the ISS is generally only visible close to these times.
Alison Fidder countered the explanation that it’s the planet Venus by saying that the planet sets at around 9:30 pm at the moment.

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