These two crop circle were found in Wiltshire, United Kingdom on 28th and 30 May 2020. Crop circles are counted among the most weirdest and inexplicable phenomena that have ever challenged the great minds of humans. For those of you who don’t know what a crop circle is, it is a mysterious phenomena that happens overnight and is an extremely giant geometric pattern of flattened crops. Every known crop circle is distinct from one another and what makes them strange is that nobody knows where the crop circles come from and who draws them and that too overnight. In a recent sighting , two crop circles were recorded in UK. Crop circles have been directly perceived as and related to alien invasion for centuries. They happen to form when a spaceship lands on a crop field and the shape of the base of the spaceship is embedded on the field, cutting the crops in an unrecognisable pattern. One theory states that the crop circle patterns denote some secret message the aliens leave for the interpretation of the denizens of earth.
Check the video below for more images!

Who writes this blather at the beginning of the website. Crop circles in the past, were simply that snd thought to be made by the devil. Aliens were never mentioned.As for the modern ones, very intricate and questionable as to their source. Alien space ships??? OK.
That top one looks like a stylised depiction of our current Coronavirus. I have seen several “human made” graphic designs of the virus, and they look almost exactly like this one. I think the crop circle makers are being sympathetic, saying “We know you have this problem right now, and we are sorry for your troubles.” I am pretty sure I am correct.
Lol sheep goes baaaaaaa
To Anonymous:
Stay anonymous – you may save yourself the embarrassment that you deserve.
For an extremely interesting analysis of that circle, and others, see
Jerry Kroth presents his detailed findings in a very logical and understandable fashion.
His material is not cluttered with the kind of hooey that is found on this and many other web sites, and that you are rightly critical of.
could just s certainly humans jumping o the bandwagon, playing on people’s anxieties.
NOBODY knows for sure who or what is making these designs, there is no proof.
The possibility that they are made by humans is a popular belief because that is what has been portrayed in the media, especially wingnut web sites.
The “little green men” giggle factor is true of the whole UFO phenomenon.
There is no proof of their origin, but there is abundant evidence that they could not have been made by humans, about as close to proof as one can get. See
im getting its we are begginer phase of joining the interstellar allianc of whoever wants to be friends…. man the trolls are hard to here as well ! trooll it up !
and the other symbol means to join us more fully u remeber to be in balance pretty please!
Looks like a pathogen escaping from a chemical lab.
To the author of the introduction:
“They happen to form when a spaceship lands on a crop field and the shape of the base of the spaceship is embedded on the field, cutting the crops in an unrecognisable pattern.”
So a spaceship in the shape of the covid-19 virus, or one consisting of 151 circles in a mathematical formula, landed in a field?
What drivel!
“One theory states that the crop circle patterns denote some secret message the aliens leave for the interpretation of the denizens of earth.”
I will let you in on a little secret. The messages are not secret. They have had very reasonable and logical interpretation.
The precision (and often mathematically correct) designs are undoubtedly created by a couple of beer soaked drunks with 2 x 4s and rope..
That was shown to be the case years ago. Not beer soaked, but done as a hokes back in the Later 50s. When this was an exciting subject to write about back in the day.