This interesting footage of a possible TR-3B (triangle- UFO) was filmed over New York Mills, a village in Oneida County, New York, USA. Filmed on 5th October 2020.
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Seen one identical to this off of Gwynn’s Island,Virginia a couple years ago. (Located along Chesapeake Bay)
TR 3B my ass! This is exactly what was seen in the skies over Belgium 30 years ago and I don’t think we had the TR3B at that time if we even have it presently. If it’s such a secret Black Budget project why do so many people know about it? Why aren’t they flying it over Area 51 instead of highways and supermarket parking lots. Could you imagine if a TR3B crashed in a residential area the lawsuits, not to mention there goes the “Secret” they don’t want the Russkies to know about.
The pictures of the Belgian UFO were a hoax.. The UFO was made with expanded polystyrene… LOL
The event was not a hoax. A top Belgian General went on camera to describe was he saw, plus many eye witnesses. So,I don’t know where you got that info from.
I totally agree with you Sir ! People or “skeptics”are always in such a huge rush to explain everything u.f.o. related away-especially the TR-3B. It’s almost as if they fear the truth and that they actually ARE real and that scares the HELL out of them.
The images of the TR3B over Belgium are real. I know because the black triangle that I saw in April 2004 at tree top level moving at aprox. 10 miles per hour direcly over my rual home exactly match the Belgium video. The three so called lights at the triangle corners are not lights. They are plasma thruster. They were so close that I could see the heat wave moving within the blue-purple glow of the thrusters. The TR3B most definitely exist and I am sure after 18 years since my siting there are more advanced versions in existence today.
This black equallateral triangle was approx. 150 to 200 feet, wing tip to wing tip and was totally silent. It was a life changing event for me and the three other people that saw it. It was so close that I could have thrown a stone and hit it.
yes that s true it was a hoax
FOOL,this is exactly what they want u to think,the US have had the tr3b since the early 70s.And yes it’s home base is area 51,why else would they build a hanger half a mile wide?I mean they have 24 hangers already.
Lou, they do exist and you underestimate the capabilities of our technology, the planning, the testing, and addressing all the scenarios that could happen. You need to do your research.
the TR-3B been flying since the 1970s stop typing about shit you don’t know.
The images of the TR3B over Belgium are real. I know because the black triangle that I saw in April 2004 at tree top level moving at aprox. 10 miles per hour direcly over my rual home exactly match the Belgium video. The three so called lights at the triangle corners are not lights. They are plasma thruster. They were so close that I could see the heat wave moving within the blue-purple glow of the thrusters. The TR3B most definitely exist and I am sure after 18 years since my siting there are more advanced versions in existence today.
Don’t know about this, since there was a noise like an airplane would make, and a lot of the time there is no noise coming from the craft?
The question is why are they just hovering like that?
Saw one just like this East of Queen Creek Arizona. Since Sept.26th 2020. They just hover for hours. I have video with my not so great camera, every night!
Im in East Phoenix,when are you seeing something over Queek Creek?
US Military by the sound!
Very likely, the military was watching it nearby.
It’s an old fake, it’s been posted on ufo @reddit.
looks like its just floating…not propelled at all.
I think quite a few are getting carried away with this TR3B nonsense and black ops bullshit..Still needing tons of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen to get a rocket into space, yet claiming they own this black triangle technology? Nasa’s technology hasn’t moved since early space adventures in the 60’s, it’s totally stagnated until another way of space travel and launch is found..
In the world of cheap drones and the easy way they can be modified, videos, especially short videos like this with tight camera shots, do little to sway public opinion. Even if it’s truly authentic, it can be too easily replicated, which is unfortunate.
I saw one just like it in Ohio over Interstate I71 near Mt. Vernon, this was low flying and did not have sound, circular blue and orange lite on bottom very bright, why did the lite have to be so bright if they were from another world? but I saw what I saw and it was only about 200 feet high so I got a good look.
I read all of your comments and I tell you that the TR-3B does exist. In 2004 me and three other people were talking on the front deck of my home when one very, very slowly passed directly over my home just above tree tops. No mistaking what we all saw. No sound what so ever coming from the 150 to 200 foot wide equilateral shaped black triangular craft. I was so close I could see air around the three thrusters moving as if it was super heated. The thruster emitted a bright purplish-blue glow and there was a very faint red 20 to 30 foot diameter glowing ring centered on the bottom of the craft. It was absolutely awesome. So you daughters, please keep your jokes to your selves. They are very real and have been around for a few decades in one version or another. I understand that there is a TR-3G now.
I not only have seen one but have ridden on one and they are not of this world! On August 12th of 2018 I was in the mountains of northern Arizona deer hunting and all of a sudden this huge triangular shaped craft appeared above me and it did not make any noise at all then a intensely bright light ray or beam of light surrounded me and I couldn’t move any parts of my body at all and I was floating right up to where the beam of light was coming from as if there were no gravity within the light beam and next thing I knew I was strapped down on a circular like table naked and had three beings not of this planet poking and prodding me and they were somehow able to read my thoughts and assured me I was not going to be hurt and this would soon be over and the next thing I knew I was lying down back in the woods sweating profoundly and I had urinated in my pants and didn’t know how I got where I was nor what time or day it was for that matter either. I decided not to go public with this for fear of being ridiculed or being labeled as crazy.
Do you know if you peed your pants before or after they strapped you nekkid on that table..?
If before.. very callous and inconsiderate of the aliens to not at least Gary your pants.
If after.. well.. you really oughta of asked to use the bathroom before they sent you back.
Feel free to email me at boltons.inquiryATgmail.com any infortmatjon you might have that you don’t want public. But I saw one of these craft in front of my house back in the year if 2008 I believe. It was just over the tree tops hovering above the neighborhood street about 30-45 feet away from me from where I was standing behind the couch looking through the window. I always had paranoia or fairly reasonable suspicion of being watched over in past times and I just assumed it was neighborhood watch or patrolmen or something of that nature. But it caused me to look outside at the sky thinking that I’d see a helicopter or airplane fly over because I was interested in aviation, but I saw out of the corner of my eye a faint red dot through the tree limbs. I thought it might be a light refraction being produced by the television from when it was powered off. But I looked back and kept thinking of what I could be. I eventually saw three red lights that form a triangle. I watched it slowly move down the street. I could have totally ran up to it if I had wanted and been within 20 feet of it. But I was a child at the time and very scared. I yelled at my mom to get the shotgun and I ducked underneath the window. It had no sound and was just moving eastward at maybe 2 miles per hour. After searching for my mother and asking for approval of the shotgun and receiving a quote obviouse denial, I turned back and looked for it again, but it was nowhere to be seen. The crazy thing is that I don’t know where it came from and it came up to my house right at my curfew when my mom was putting my baby sister to sleep. There’s a soccer field about 300 yard in front of my house and I suspect it came from there. But I’ve seen helicopters with spotlights fly right over my house before and there is military base south from me where it came from. I hope I see one again some time soon, I just want to fly away with them.
no lethal force. It was too low to be an airplane or helicopter. To big to me a drone, to high to be a car or trailer car. The thing was literally above he trees and more than 40 feet long though I can’t say for sure. I could see right underneath it, there was no car.
It’s funny how time slips away and neither my wife or I can remember exactly what year it happened. The time, yes, the year? Early to mid 2000’s
I couldn’t sleep, it was after 1am and my wife had to get up early the next morning so I was just laying there in the dark. The head of our bed is right next to the window, and the window was open, a cool breeze was blowing, and I happened to be looking up at the blackened sky.
And then something entered my field of vision, a white light about the size of my dually slowly moved into view. My mind raced at the thought of what it was that I was witnessing. Although it’s movement was lackadaisical I raced out of bed kicking the sheets off while still attempting to take it all in. A hot air balloon? NO! Not the Fing moon! It’s moving straight north! I looked intently at the light realizing that it was covered with some kind of material. Maybe it is a Balloon?! It was bright enough that I could tell the light came from within not on the outside of the vehicle.
It was moving so slowly that the moment it first started to move past our roofline I immediately realized something was wrong and took notice. I have to admit my heart rate sped up as it was literally 50ft above my home. Then the second light broke into view and I damned near went through the screen in the other window as I pressed my head sideways to listen…nothing. It’s early a.m. in a small rural midwest farm town and nothing, well,there might be the slightest buzz/hum.
Then the next light floated into view. The middle light pulsed red at even intervals and was MUCH smaller than the gigantic white corner light. Think blinking school bus light, but red.
I looked for a defined edge, but between the very bright corner light and the lack of clarity from the night sky, I can only accurately describe the light configuration not the craft shape. One could assume the shape of the lights defines that of the craft, but not necessarily so.
Then the back two lights came into view, both equi-distant from one another and identical to the leading white light. The craft is huge, silent, and triangle shaped. The last detail is that there is one other blinking light located on the right rear corner next to the giant white internal lights. It blinks at a cadence different/slower than that of the center red light.
I have had several years now to disseminate what happened that night. I place it into context with other events. It is my firm belief that Uncle Sam has himself a flying receiver and they use peer-through technology without our permission or knowledge. I believe they are mapping the terrain, and all internal structures. My further guess is that it is powerful enough to penetrate subsoil too, think munography sp? like they use to look through stoneworks such as pyramids.
Is the technology safe to use on someone? I have no clue, but at 1:39am my entire family just got exposed to it. Do they give a shit? I doubt it post 9/11. They are going to do whatever they want. Look at what the government has done to other disenfranchised or marginalized people in the past. I take note that the triangles, black or otherwise, are often reported over countries that we have allied with, France, Germany, Australia, etc., Not everywhere, and just certain towns or communities. They’re using military tech to look for something, and also assisting our allies.
Anyway, it’s big, stealthy, triangle-shaped, and I have witnessed it close up.
By the way, a curious thing happens to me after I have posted similar responses on other websites in the past about this event. My post gets edited or it gets anonymous responses making fun of me or my family. If you are one of my admirers, and feel inclined to once again be an asshat, do me and yourself a favor…STFU. I think that although sightings of the stealth triangle were rare 15 years ago, people are a little more open to the fact that this IS HAPPENING now. I highly doubt it’s aliens, not saying they don’t exist, but that triangle is not piloted by ET.
The US govt will never acknowledge a superior force because
our illustrious, pompous politicians would have to admit that
they can’t do a thing about it, and are powerless against a
greater force……….