Check out this interesting footage of a possible triangle UFO – T3-RB that was filmed over Pomona, a city in Los Angeles County, California. This happened on Sunday, 1st November 2020 at around 4pm.
Witness stated that it was not moving for about 3 hours.
Check out this amazing book about the top 10 UFO cases in the history.
Get your’s on Amazon: Top 10 UFO Sightings: Best Cases: Aliens are visiting us
Looks like a B2 Spirit Bomber.
I saw one of these Black Triangles. It had 3 white circular light in the corners – and a kind of strobe light that phased between two of the lights. Wish I`d have had a camera – all my wife and I could do was watch from our car and keep saying `What the F#ck`
btw it looked nothing like this – it was much larger and well defined
Looks like a kite..